Christian Living

Who Does Jesus Hate?

The self-righteous protester’s sign is etched in my mind. His assertion offends me, and I can’t shake it; I don’t even want to report the words. This person claims: “Jesus hates fags.” The memory of this appalls me; I shudder at the thought. This is a lie, a brazen lie. Anyone who really knows Jesus […]

Christian Living

Why We Need Diversity in Our Churches

Diversity Is Not Disunity Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. said the most segregated hour in the United States occurs on Sunday morning. Based on my experience in visiting more than 52 churches his assessment is still painfully true. We need more diversity in our churches. I long to attend a diverse church, one with racial […]

Bible Insights

What is the Spirit of Jesus?

Paul uses a curious phrase in his letter to the Philippian church. He talks about “the Spirit of Jesus.” Paul writes of his confidence that he will realize deliverance because of the Philippian church’s prayers and the Spirit of Jesus Christ. In another place Doctor Luke writes in Acts that as Paul travels to tell […]

Bible Insights

Giving Birth to Jesus

When I say giving birth to Jesus, I’m not talking about Mary in a Bethlehem stable, birthing our savior into this world in human form. Instead I’m referring to birthing Jesus in a spiritual sense, of giving him to others. When Paul writes to the church in the city of Galatia he uses an intriguing […]

Bible Insights

What is “The Abomination That Causes Desolation?”

The phrase “the abomination that causes desolation” occurs five times in the Bible. Daniel mentions it three times in his prophecies of future events (Daniel 9:27, Daniel 11:31, and Daniel 12:11). People speculate what he means—such as the destruction of the temple or something foreshadowing the end of the world—but whatever the interpretation, the important […]

Bible Insights

Who Did Jesus Come to Help?

Consider What Jesus Modeled Religious leaders in the Bible often criticize Jesus. It’s understandable. He and his teaching confront the comfortable sacred niche they enjoy in their society. They have a good thing going, and they want to hang on to it. Jesus threatens their status quo, so they attack him. In one instance they […]

Bible Insights

The Book of Revelation

John’s Epic Vision The book of Revelation is a curious one; there is none other like it in the Bible. It is perhaps the most scrutinized and misunderstood section. While I will not make any attempt to explain it, I will offer some context as a guide: We can consider Revelation in three sections: Introduction: […]

Christian Living

What Happens After We Promise to Pray For Others?

Be Sure to Follow through in What you Say You’ll Do Prayer is important to me, and I often pray for others. However, I seldom promise to pray for them. Why is that? Too many times, people have told me they’d pray for me, but I sensed they never would. Their words were hollow. Perhaps […]

Bible Insights

John’s Unique Perspective of Jesus

Each of the four biographies of Jesus in the Bible reflect the perspective of its author. While Matthew, Mark, and Luke contain many similarities, John’s account is the most different. He offers a unique perspective on the life and teaching of Jesus. Some refer to the book of John as the gospel of love because […]

Bible Insights

Did Jesus Have Second Thoughts?

Before Jesus is captured and executed, he spends some time praying. At one point in his prayer, Jesus asks God for a reprieve—that he won’t have to die—even though that was the plan all along. But he’s quick to add an addendum, confirming he’ll do whatever his papa wants. I wonder if Jesus is thinking […]