Peter DeHaan News

The Friends and Foes of Jesus

Discover How People in the New Testament React to God’s Good News Jesus Was Loved. He Was Hated. But He Was Never Ignored. Some people think Jesus was easy-going. Hardly. Everything he did and said sparked passionate reaction. He polarized people. Some adored Jesus to the point of dying for him. But those who feared […]

Peter DeHaan News

That You May Know

(Formerly published as Dear Theophilus, the Dear Theophilus series, book 1) A 40-Day Devotional Exploring the Life of Jesus through the Gospel of Luke You’ve Never Seen the Gospel of Luke Quite Like This You may have read the gospel of Luke. But you might have missed a few things. Maybe more than a few. […]

Christian Living

The Six Major Covenants in the Bible

God’s Promises to Us Reveal His Character The Bible talks a lot about covenants. In a generic sense a covenant is an agreement or compact. But in the Bible, it takes on an elevated meaning. In Scripture a covenant is a promise from God to his people. There are two types of covenants. One is […]

Christian Living

3 Ways to Categorize Scripture: Discover How God’s Relationship with Us Shifts Over Time

Though God Never Changes, the Bible Shows Us How Our Interaction with Him Has As we read the Bible, it’s easy to stumble onto confusing and even conflicting perspectives of who God is and how we should interact with him. This is because God has revealed himself in different ways throughout the various historic arcs […]

Bible Insights

Pouring Out a Drink Offering to God

During a time of war, there is a curious story of King David. He mentions that he is thirsty for water from a specific well. Three of his mighty warriors break through enemy lines, draw water from that well, and return to David with it. However, instead of drinking it with gratitude, David pours it […]

Christian Living

Don’t Make Christians; Make Disciples

Go into All the World and Make Disciples About two billion people in the world call themselves Christians, more than those who align themselves with any other religion. But how many will call themselves disciples of Jesus? The Bible never tells us to make Christians or even to be a Christian. But it talks a […]

Peter DeHaan News

How Big is Your Tent? A Call for Christian Unity, Tolerance, and Love

How Big is Your Tent? A Call for Christian Unity, Tolerance, and Love What’s It Take to Be Welcome in Jesus’s Tent? The Bible gives us the answers, but most people miss them. And too many clergy spout manmade solutions that miss the mark. Discover what Jesus said it takes to “go all in” for […]

Christian Living

Did Jesus Lead a Spiritual Rebellion?

Jesus Sparked a Religious Revolution That We Must Continue to Pursue Today As Jesus’s mission on earth winds down he celebrates Passover with his disciples and goes to the Mount of Olives to pray. Then a mob comes to capture him. Jesus asks them, “Am I leading a rebellion that you must send an armed […]

Bible Insights

About Jesus: The Bible Points Us to Jesus

Though the Gospels Focus on Jesus, We See Him throughout the Old and New Testaments In reading the Bible, we see that God the Father is the star of the Old Testament. In parallel fashion, Jesus is the focus of the New Testament, especially in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each of […]

Christian Living

Discover What the Bible Says about the Lord’s Supper

When We Take Communion It’s to Remember What Jesus Did for Us The Lord’s Supper is another phrase found only in the New Testament. This isn’t surprising since Jesus instituted this practice when he taught it to his disciples at Passover. Most Christian churches follow Jesus’s command to celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Luke 22:19), though […]