Bible Insights

Jesus and Justice

Our Savior Came to Heal and to Save After giving us four chapters of historical narrative, Isaiah shifts back to more prophecy. His future-focused look tells us about Jesus and justice. Though Jesus is God’s Son, as our Savior—the Messiah—he is also God’s servant, who will come to earth in service of Father God to […]

Bible Insights

God is the Great I Am

Characteristics of God In the Bible, Jesus makes several declarations of who he is and his character. In the book of John alone, he says: “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty” (John 6:35). “I am the […]

Bible Insights

Discover What the Bible Says about Drinking Blood

Don’t Drink Blood versus Drink My Blood Among the many “laws” (that is, rules and regulations for right behavior), that God—through Moses—gave the nation of Israel was an unconditional prohibition against drinking blood. Every Hebrew would have been taught this from early childhood. Breaking this law would have been unthinkable to them, a repulsive act to […]

Bible Insights

Does God Really Answer All Our Prayers?

We Can Believe That God Hears and Answers Our Requests When you pray do you think God hears you? Does he answer your prayers? All of them? The Bible says so. Consider what Scripture teaches. God Hears Our Prayers First, we can have assurance that God does indeed hear our prayers. John writes that we […]

Bible Insights

Is There Cannibalism in the Bible?

Jesus Shocks His Audience Jesus said many things that surprised and even shocked his followers. One of his more appalling statements was that we needed to eat his body and drink his blood. That’s a hard thing to swallow—literally and figuratively. Gross. He asserted that those who ate his body and drank his blood would […]

Bible Insights

Does Jesus Offend You?

Many People Like an Easy Jesus, But Not Everyone Accepts What He Says Jesus normally teaches the masses in parables. Though most don’t really understand what he means, they like his stories because they’re so countercultural. Inaddition, he sometimes gives them food and heals them. He’s a cool speaker who does nice things for them. […]

Bible Insights

Six Eras in the Bible

Though God Doesn’t Change, but the Way He Relates to Us Has We divide the Bible in two sections, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament focuses on the relationship of Father God to his people and looks forward to the coming Savior. The New Testament centers on Jesus and the work […]

Bible Insights

What is Eternal Life?

When Does Eternal Life Begin The phrase eternal life occurs forty-two times in the Bible. But what exactly does this mean? Do you know that eternal life begins now? Some think that it is a synonym for heaven. If we believe in Jesus, we will go to heaven when we die. That is what eternal […]

Bible Insights

The Second Best Verse in the Bible

Jesus Saves Perhaps the best-known verse in the Bible is John 3:16. It says that if we believe in Jesus we will experience life eternal. What could be simpler; we just need to believe. God does the hard part, providing a way for us to live forever with him. How cool is that? The verse […]

Bible Insights

What Is Your Path?

When We Focus on Other People, We May Lose Sight of Our Own Calling As Jesus wraps up his stint on earth, he spends some time with his disciples, the core group he trained for three years. They will need to carry on without him, and he wants to make sure they’re ready. First, he […]