Christian Living

May You and Your Family Have a Blessed Christmas

Make Jesus the Focus of Your Celebration With Christmas falling on Sunday this year, I planned to wish you a blessed Christmas on my weekly Sunday post. Alas, I’ve already wished you a merry Christmas in the past—three times. So, instead of repeating what I’ve already written or reprising an old post, I’ll give you […]

Bible Insights

Do You Offer God a Sacrifice of Praise?

Embrace a Different Way to Worship God The term “sacrifice of praise” is only found in one verse in the Bible. It’s a curious phrase. What does it mean? Whatever it may refer to, the first thing we see is we are to do it continually. We are to offer a constant sacrifice of praise […]

Christian Living

Father, Son, or Holy Spirit?

Which Part of the Godhead Do You Focus On? Though the Bible doesn’t use the word trinity, most followers understand God as a three-in-one deity, made up of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God is three persons in one. Though implicitly equal, most adherents more readily embrace one form […]

Christian Living

One Body with Many Members: Correct the Church Membership Fallacy

Instead of Joining a Church, Align Yourself with Jesus Most churches talk about church membership—a lot. Some treat it as the next step after salvation, even as if it’s salvation part two. It’s not. And if your church is part of a denomination, membership in the local church is automatic membership in the denomination. Church […]

Christian Living

Jesus Is the Way, Not the Destination

Our Focus Should be on Our Heavenly Father Most Christians revere Jesus and place him at the center of their faith. Indeed, all of history revolves around Jesus’s saving work that he did for us—for everyone—when he died in our place, sacrificing himself for the wrong things we’ve done. The Old Testament builds up to […]

Bible Insights

Protection From the Evil One

Protection From the Evil One To the Thessalonians Paul writes that God will strengthen and protect them from the evil one. He will give them protection from evil. This excites and comforts me, because I want to be protected. But that’s only half the of the promise. The other part is that we will be […]

Christian Living

Do You Worship Father, Son, or Holy Spirit?

Which Part of the Trinity Most Receives Your Attention? The Bible talks about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We intellectually know that these three parts of the Trinity exist, but what is the reality of our spiritual practice? Most Christians prefer one part of the godhead over the other. […]

Peter DeHaan News

New Book: The Advent of Jesus

Celebrate Christmas in a fresh, new way with this Advent devotional It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of Christmas and miss its true meaning. Why not make this holiday season a special time for preparation to reflect on the Messiah’s birth? In The Advent of Jesus: A Devotional Celebrating the Coming Savior, […]

Bible Insights

When Is the Best Time to Do Good?

Helping Others Is One of Many Ways to Worship God I like the stories about Jesus helping people in need, such as by feeding them and especially by healing them. Even more I like it when Jesus confronts the religious practices of the day. We have so much to learn from his example. It’s a […]

Bible Insights

Our Present and Future Hope

God Will Answer When We Pray After Zechariah’s discouraging implication that God is weary of his people and will no longer be their Shepherd, Zechariah has some good news. He concludes his prophetic writings with an optimistic prophecy of a better tomorrow, a future hope. This is a hope that the people of his day […]