Christian Living

I Am a Writer and Much More

Who Are You? I started writing as a teenager. As an adult, many of my jobs involved writing, but I never thought of myself as a writer. Writing was something I did, not who I was. That changed about five years ago when I realized writing was an ongoing thread in my life. I had […]

Christian Living

Do You Wish People Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

My wife wishes people a “Merry Christmas,” while I say “Happy holidays.” We both have our reasons for doing so, and we are both right. It’s important to us to keep Jesus as the central focus of Christmas. One way my wife does so is by wishing everyone a “Merry Christmas”—every chance she gets. She […]

Christian Living

Why Must We Resort to Name Calling?

Beware of Using Labels “Are you Arminian or Reformed?” The man’s question surprised me. He seemed sincere, and my answer was apparently important to him, but it perplexed me. Besides, I just met the guy. “I don’t know.” And I didn’t care. I’m sure he thought me as evasive or dismissive or pagan or perhaps […]

Bible Insights

Are You Working for Jesus or Watching for Him?

In Doctor Luke’s biography of Jesus, he shares some of the things Jesus said. Two accounts appear to contradict each other. One time Jesus says the master will have his servants sit at his table and he will wait on them. Another time Jesus said to not expect any such treatment; the servants will not […]

Christian Living

Are You a Minister?

“Are you a minister?” The first time someone asked me that question, I was shocked, appalled even. I shook my head and laughed, “Heck, no.” This confused my inquirer. “Humph, I thought you were.” Later someone else asked me the same thing, then another, and eventually a fourth. Now I’m no longer disturbed when someone […]

Christian Living

What’s More Important, to Get Decisions or Make Disciples?

I recently read about someone who is credited with producing over 55 million decisions for Christ. That’s the most impressive number. However, I wonder if it’s the correct focus. He needs to make disciples instead. Jesus didn’t tell us to go and make decisions—or to get people saved, to make converts, or to have people […]

Bible Insights

A Card Carrying Member of the Jesus Party

Tuesday’s post was about Jesus’ invitation to side with his life-party. This is not a raise-your-hand, say-a-prayer, or sign-a-card decision made without careful consideration, but a total, lifelong commitment regardless of the consequences. To grasp the enormity of this, contemplate the verses where these phrases appears in the Amplified version of the Bible: …became His […]

Christian Living

Are You a Disciple or Believer?

Those who follow Jesus used to be called “disciples” but that term has fallen out of favor. Now the common label is “believer.” It is easy to believe; it takes a lot more to be a disciple. To believe is essentially a one-time act, a singular decision made at one point along life’s path. To […]

Christian Living

Show Me Your Faith

Early church leader James wrote, “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.” It seems that to James, a faith without action is worthless. His statement, however, did not end this debate between faith and works. In fact, he seems to allow at least the possibility of […]

Christian Living

Life’s Not Fair

What Are You Going to do About It? How often have you heard someone exclaim, “It’s not fair!”? This lament seems especially prevalent among children and teens. When this complaint is voiced to their parents, the typical response—be it sage or sadistic—is “Life’s not fair.” It’s true; life’s not fair—and I, for one, am glad. […]