Bible Insights

The Number Twelve in the Bible

A Figure that Signifies Foundation We’ve covered the numbers three and seven in the Bible. Let’s now look at the number twelve. It occurs frequently but mainly references two parallel concepts: Jacob’s twelve sons and Jesus’s twelve disciples. We can consider the number twelve as foundational in the Bible. Twelve is the basis for government […]

Bible Insights

Receive God’s Mercy

Don’t Hold on to Guilt Over What God Has Already Forgiven From the life of Jacob, we learn a lesson in how to receive God’s mercy. After Jacob dies, Joseph’s brothers come to him. They’re worried he’ll hold a grudge against them for what they did to him when he was a teenager. At that […]

Bible Insights

Jacob’s Twelve Sons

…and Their Four Moms In Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, a reoccurring theme is Jacob’s twelve sons. What is not apparent in Dreamcoat is that many of the sons were half brothers; Jacob was indeed the father of all, but there were four different moms. Here is how this convoluted family tree happened: Jacob fell […]

Bible Insights

What Does an Eye for an Eye Really Mean?

Respond with Moderation In one of the Bible’s more horrific stories, Jacob’s daughter, Dinah, is taken by force and raped by the outsider, Shechem. When Jacob hears of this he does nothing. Perhaps he fears for his life should he complain or maybe it’s because all his boys are in the fields tending their livestock […]

Bible Insights

Women in the Bible: Leah

Leah, like her younger sister, Rachel, is an interesting character. While I’m inexplicitly drawn to Rachel, I just feel sorry for Leah. She marries her first cousin, Jacob. The problem is Jacob loves her younger sister Rachel. While Rachel is attractive, Leah is not. Though we don’t understand the details, we do know she doesn’t […]

Bible Insights

How Many Tribes Were There in Israel?

Just as we know that Jesus had twelve disciples, we know that Israel had twelve tribes, right? Jacob (also known as Israel) had twelve sons and each son became a tribe, right? Well sort of. Even though Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son, there is no tribe named Joseph. Instead Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, […]

Bible Insights

The Meaning Behind the Names

In ancient times, names were given to people for a reason, no matter how trivial. The meaning of the names of Jacob’s twelve sons gives great insight into the competitive struggle between his two wives, the sisters, Leah and Rachel: Reuben means “See, a son!” (Leah said, “The Lord has seen my humiliation and affliction; […]

Bible Insights

More on Jacob’s Twelve Sons

So, we know that Jacob’s twelve sons had four mothers: Leah was the spurned wife; Rachel was the favorite wife; Bilhah was Rachel’s maid and Zilpah was Leah’s maid. Here is their birth order and how it all breaks down: 1. Reuben, his mom was Leah2. Simeon, his mom was Leah3. Levi, his mom was Leah4. Judah, […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Video Review: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoatis a film adaptation of the popular and undying musical of the same name. Although initially written for children and intended to be a school production, it has transcended this original intent to become an ageless classic. With some poetic license, Dreamcoat retells the Biblical account […]