Christian Living

Do You Worship a Modern-Day Idol?

We Must Protect Ourselves from Greed and Materialism, Worshipping God Instead The Bible talks a lot about idolatry, of idols and worshipping them. Both the Old and New Testaments address this, warning against wrong worship and telling us we must put God first. As followers of Jesus, we would never worship idols today. Or do […]

Bible Study

1 John Bible Study, Day 30: No Idols

Today’s passage: 1 John 5:21 Focus verse: Dear children, keep yourselves from idols. (1 John 5:21) After John writes a fitting conclusion to his letter in 1 John 5:18–20, he tacks on one more verse. He simply tells his audience to keep themselves from idols. I imagine John finishing his letter and then reading it. He gets to […]

Christian Living

Christian Idolatry

We Are Made in God’s Image, Not the Other Way Around An idol is anything that becomes more important than God. The Old Testament of the Bible talks a lot about God’s displeasure with his people worshipping idols, that is, false God’s. Today our idols may be things like money, career, possessions, and status. Even […]

Bible Insights

The Tale of Two Sisters

An Old Testament Parable Warning about the Perils of Prostitution and Idolatry Ezekiel shares a story about two sisters. It’s an Old Testament parable. And it comes directly from God. The older sister is Oholah, and the younger sister is Oholibah. Oholah is Samaria, the capital of Israel and represents the ten northern tribes. The […]

Christian Living

Secular Christians

Carefully Consider Your Faith Foundation and the Basis for What You Believe Some Christians base their faith on what the Bible says. Others, however, reject this view as outdated and judgmental. Instead, they allow society to guide their practices, which veers further and further from a firm faith foundation. They have become secular Christians. Here […]

Christian Living

It’s Not My Fault: Playing the Blame Game

Blaming Others for Our Mistakes Comes from Our Sin Nature Jeremiah prophesies judgment against the people in Jerusalem for their idolatry. God has had enough, and he will punish them for turning from him and pursuing other gods. Specifically, many women are burning incense to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out their drink offerings […]