Christian Living

Why Should We Go to Church on Sunday?

Discover What to Do on the Sabbath Most Christians have a practice of going to church on Sunday. Some people even go twice. Why do we do that? Why do we go to church every Sunday? The quick answer that most people would give is that’s what the Bible says to go. But I don’t […]

Christian Living

A Kingdom of Priests

God Is Still Waiting for Us to Obey Him and Minister to Others It’s interesting to connect the Old Testament with the New Testament, to see what changes and what remains the same. Let’s look at what God says about his people being a kingdom of priests. A Kingdom of Priests in The Old Testament […]

Visiting Churches

Reflecting on Church #23: A Church Business Meeting Overshadows the Service

Don’t Hold a Church Business Meeting After the Service With our journey of visiting fifty-two churches over, I can reflect more on the complete experience. Today, I’ll add to my thoughts about Church #23. It’s challenging to get members to attend a church business meeting during the week, as it requires an extra trip to […]

Bible Insights

Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty

Celebrate the Holiness of God The prophet Isaiah has a dream, a vision. He sees into heaven. God sits on his throne over the temple. Six-winged angels, seraphim, hover above him. They sing out, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty. Earth fills with his glory.” As their voices ring out, the temple shakes and […]

Christian Living

The Significance of Synagogues

Discover the Origin of Having a Local Place of Worship Another interesting word that occurs only in the New Testament is synagogues. Appearing sixty-six times, it’s in all four gospels, a lot in the book of Acts, and twice in Revelation. That’s it. Notably the word synagogue does not appear in the Old Testament. Where […]

Bible Insights

Worship God as Holy, Holy, Holy

Give God Our Adoration The Bible says God is holy, holy, holy, repeating it three times for emphasis to make sure we get the point. God is not merely holy—that is, virtuous—nor is he holy times two, but he is holy times three. He is holy, holy, holy. When referring to God as holy, holy, […]

Bible Insights

What Does it Mean to Greet One Another With a Holy Kiss?

Many churches have a time of greeting at some point in their service. This can range from awkward to inviting. At some of these churches people merely shake hands and mumble a rote greeting. Folks at other congregations actually make eye contact and smile as they greet one another. And at a few places, a […]

Christian Living

God Says You Are Holy

Last week, I blogged that God is “holy, holy, holy”—or “all holy,” which I called “omniholy.” In researching that post, I came across a phrase that caught me off guard: “You are holy.” Really? I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel holy. However, it is apparently true that we are holy—or at least […]

Christian Living

God is Omniholy

Last week, in “God is Omni,” I noted that God is omnipresent (all present), omniscient (all knowing), and omnipotent (all-powerful). Today, with the intent of coining a new word, I’d like to suggest that God is also omniholy, that is, he is “all holy.” Consider that the Bible uses the triad “holy, holy, holy” in […]

Christian Living

What’s Your Motivation for Holy Living?

Lately God has been prodding me through his Word and his Spirit to pursue a more holy lifestyle. To me, holy living means right living, what God calls righteousness. Sometimes I make progress towards fulfilling this call, but most times not so much. I’m okay with that; I’m on a journey and the important thing […]