Christian Living

Why Does Today’s Church Follow an Old Testament Model?

Don’t Do Church Wrong I think we’re doing church wrong. At first I assumed it was just me, but today’s church is stuck in a rut, an Old Testament rut. We follow an Old Testament model for church. Moses’s Method: The Old Testament Model When God gave Moses the Law, he established some key expectations […]

Bible Insights

The Writings of Dr. Luke

Learn More about Luke Paul is the most prolific writer in the New Testament. Who is second? That would be Dr. Luke. Luke wrote an account of Jesus’s life (called “The Gospel According to Luke,” or simply “Luke”). He also chronicled the activities of the early church (called “The Acts of the Apostles” or just […]

Christian Living

Pray to the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Praying to the Godhead Last week we looked at God as Trinity and used the image of a tripod to illustrate how one God can exist in three parts: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now we’ll build upon that understanding and use it to inform us so that we can better pray to the Trinity. […]

Christian Living

Learn How to Receive Holy Spirit Insight

Discover How to Hear God’s Voice and Discern Spiritual Direction I’ve shared with you the arc of my faith journey, the spiritual transformations I’ve experienced so far in my life. I built upon that by relating my experiences in reading the Bible and praying for my children and future generations. Next, I decided to share […]

Christian Living

The Seven Transformations of Peter DeHaan

A Personal Story of Growing in Faith and Action [This personal essay first appeared in The Transformation Project: A West Michigan Word Weavers Anthology.] A caterpillar turns into a butterfly; a tadpole becomes a frog. People can change too. We call it transformation. Here’s my story. 1. The Bible Matters We moved between fourth and […]

Bible Insights

Obey God Regardless: Paul Speaks to the Elders in Ephesus

Paul Sermon in Ephesus The seventh sermon in the book of Acts: Acts 20:16-37 (specifically Acts 20:18-35). Setting: Miletus Speaker: Paul Audience: Elders from the church of Ephesus Preceding Events: Paul, compelled by the Holy Spirit, is steadfastly traveling to Jerusalem. Overall Theme: Paul gives his personal testimony (he has worked hard for God, has […]

Bible Insights

Do We Allow the World to Control Our Thoughts?

The Holy Spirit Gives Us a Sound Mind to Counter Fear Through the Holy Spirit we have a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Sound mind means self-discipline, self-control, sound judgment, and wise discretion. We can claim all these as the Holy Spirit’s provision to us. In doing so we can direct our thoughts and not […]

Bible Insights

Do We Live in a Spirit of Fear or Spirit of Freedom?

God Provides the Antidote When We Face Fear We live in a time where there is much to fear. Whether by mandate or out of personal concern, we cower in our homes afraid of what is happening in the world around us. We sequester ourselves and exist with little community to encourage us. Aside from […]

Bible Insights

Sometimes God’s Instructions Are Temporary

After Jesus rises from the dead, he spends a few weeks hanging out with his followers. He tells then to stay in Jerusalem, waiting for a surprise Father God has planned for them: the gift of the Holy Spirit to come upon them and give them power (Matthew 28:19-20). This is one of God’s instructions […]

Christian Living

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Consider How the Example of the Early Church Can Inform Our Actions Today What is your perspective on miracles and supernatural signs? I’m talking about the things we read about in the Bible, especially the New Testament. This is about people receiving healing from their physical ailments and deliverance from their nonphysical afflictions. It’s about […]