Personal Posts

Happy Easter

We’ve had a beautiful week here in southwest Michigan, with record highs in the low 80s for the past two days. As a consequence, I’ve been hit hard with a case of spring fever. The last remaining pile of snow has melted—it was a huge pile, which only succumbed a couple of days ago—and spring […]

Personal Posts

April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s Day

Personal Posts

Christmas Is Fast Approaching

It seems that my bride starts preparing for Christmas around the middle of August, looking for specific items on sale and making gifts for others. Even so, “we” are usually among the last to put up the Christmas decorations.  While many stores have been decorated since Halloween (or earlier) and neighbors had their lights strung before […]

Personal Posts

I’ve Been a Tad Busy Lately

This is my first post in December. You may be wondering what has happened to me—well, at least some people have. The short answer is that I have been really busy. It all started Thanksgiving weekend. Feeling that I needed an extended break from work, I determined to take a four-day weekend. When I returned […]

Personal Posts

Making New Year’s Resolutions

What Changes Do You Plan to Make? Happy New Year! From my family to yours, I hope that you have a safe, healthy, and prosperous year. The new year is a time when many people make New Year’s resolutions.  Common ones include losing weight, saving money, going back to school, finding a better job, improving or […]

Personal Posts

Christmas Recap

  (Back row: Laura & Chris, Dan & Kelli, Front Row: Candy & Peter) This year our Christmas celebrations began last Saturday with one side of the family, continued Christmas Eve with the other side, and concluded Christmas morning with our kids.  By 10 a.m., both couples had departed for more family celebrations of their own—but […]

Christian Living

What is Christmas to You?

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus! What is Christmas to you? What thoughts first come to mind? What happy memories does this season do you recall? To some people this special holiday means: You surely related to some things on this list, perhaps all of them. But what is Christmas to you? What does it […]

Personal Posts

The Queen of Desserts

Yesterday, my bride (aka, the Queen of Desserts) went on a Christmas baking frenzy. The preliminary round occurred on Monday, but the main event was on Thursday, sunup to well past sundown cooking extravaganza. Sadly, I was fasting and unable to assume my normal role of taste tester. I know that she secretly enjoys me hovering around […]

Personal Posts

Wanna Wok?

A couple of weeks ago my wife took me out for my birthday. The actual date of the event had long passed, but that’s okay; that’s how we do things. Precise timing is not important to us, as long as it is eventually celebrated. Sometimes we’re several months late, but if it’s within six, it’s […]

Personal Posts

Trimming the Tree

Last week we packed up our Christmas decorations, took down the lights (we couldn’t think of a good place to hang “mood lights“), and over the weekend, we trimmed the tree. Say, what? Yes, we trimmed the tree.  The first time we “trimmed” it was to put the lights on.  The second time we trimmed […]