Christian Living

Praise God as Holy, Holy, Holy

Offer Ongoing Adoration to Our Creator, Savior, and Sustainer The book of Revelation tells of John’s spirit being whisked into heaven. Four living creatures spend all their time—day and night—praising God. They chant, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come” (Revelation 4:8, NIV). The threefold repetition […]

Bible Insights

An Army of Angels To Protect Us

The young girl gazes out into the desert. Something comes towards her. It is Solomon, her lover, traveling by carriage. He is accompanied by a protective band of weapon wielding warriors, tested and poised for whatever threat awaits them. With Solomon—and his army—she will be protected. In a spiritual sense, this is how it is […]

Christian Living

Jesus Is the Way, Not the Destination

The Father Is the Destination and the Savior Provides the Path Jesus tells Thomas, “I am the way.” The only way to get to the Father is through the Savior (John 14:5-6). He’s not a way. He’s the only way. Though many people uphold the Christ as the primacy of the Trinity, we must remember […]

Christian Living

Learning from Jesus’s First Words

When Christ Speaks, We Should Be Ready to Listen What Jesus says is important to us as his followers. The passages in the Bible that we need to pay the most attention to are the words of Jesus. Some Bibles even highlight Jesus’s words by putting them in red. We call these red-letter editions. People […]

Christian Living

What Is God’s Perception of You?

How We See Ourselves May Differ from How Our Heavenly Father Sees Us I was recently reminded that God’s perception of us can be quite different from our own self-perception. The pressures of life overwhelmed a friend. One concern, a second, and then more conspired to weigh her down and steal her joy. She emailed […]

Christian Living

3 Religious Terms I Struggle With

Exploring Doctrine, Theology, and Systematic Theology There are three religious terms I don’t care for. Hearing or reading about them has a negative impact on me. These words are doctrine, theology, and systematic theology. I don’t like them because they take the awesome mystery of God and try to provide structure to something that transcends […]

Christian Living

Father, Son, or Holy Spirit?

Which Part of the Godhead Do You Focus On? Though the Bible doesn’t use the word trinity, most followers understand God as a three-in-one deity, made up of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God is three persons in one. Though implicitly equal, most adherents more readily embrace one form […]

Christian Living

Jesus Is the Way, Not the Destination

Our Focus Should be on Our Heavenly Father Most Christians revere Jesus and place him at the center of their faith. Indeed, all of history revolves around Jesus’s saving work that he did for us—for everyone—when he died in our place, sacrificing himself for the wrong things we’ve done. The Old Testament builds up to […]

Christian Living

Do You Worship Father, Son, or Holy Spirit?

Which Part of the Trinity Most Receives Your Attention? The Bible talks about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We intellectually know that these three parts of the Trinity exist, but what is the reality of our spiritual practice? Most Christians prefer one part of the godhead over the other. […]

Bible Insights

God as our Father

A Word Picture of What a Good Dad Is Like The sixth word picture is God as our father and we as his children. Although not everyone had a good biological father—in fact all human fathers make mistakes in raising their children—our spiritual father, God, is without fault, raising us out of perfect love and […]