Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: The Poor Will Be Glad

Joining the Revolution to Lift the World Out of Poverty By Peter Greer and Phil Smith (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)Over half of the people in the world live on less than four dollars per day and one billion of them live on less than a dollar a day. Most of them reside in developing countries. […]

Bible Insights

Who Needs a Doctor?

In the accounts of Jesus’ life, there’s a curious exchange he has with the religious leaders. Although he has many such interactions, this is perhaps the most perplexing. He tells them healthy people don’t need a doctor. True. Then he makes a parallel assertion that his purpose isn’t to help good people (the “righteous”) but […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit

The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit: Encountering The Power of Signs and Wonders By C. Peter Wagner (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) C. Peter Wagner begins The Third Wave of the Holy Spirit by identifying the first two waves: the Pentecostal movement that opened the twentieth century and the wider Charismatic movement that followed it some […]

Bible Insights

Jesus Often Did the Unexpected

Jesus seems to specialize in doing the unexpected. For instance, consider when the rich young ruler asks Jesus, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus side-steps the question about eternal life. Instead, he goes into teaching about good. That was unexpected. Another time, four men bring their paralyzed friend to Jesus to […]

Bible Insights

Do You Need a Doctor?

Jesus said, “It is not healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Jesus came for the sick. (Since he came to heal and to save, we may be able to comprehend this both literally and figuratively, that is, the physically sick and the spiritually […]

Bible Insights

What’s the Deal with Evil Spirits?

When reading the gospels (the stories about Jesus) in the Bible, it doesn’t take long to run across the phrase “evil spirit.” (Some translations use “unclean spirit” or a “corrupting spirit.”) What is an “evil spirit” anyway? Although contemplating the meaning of an evil spirit may be intellectually inviting, the central point is to remember […]

Bible Insights

Jesus’ Mission

To Heal and to Save Jesus came to heal and to save; that was his mission and his purpose. At that time, the people largely accepted Jesus’ healing ministry, but not so much his saving ministry. Today, it is the opposite, with his followers accepting his saving ministry, but not so much his healing ministry. […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Diary of God’s General

Excerpts from the Miracle Ministry of John G. Lake By John G. Lake (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) This small book is a quick read, yet filled with amazing stories and accounts of God at work through his servant, John G. Lake. This work was compiled by Lake’s son-in-law and takes the form of a first-person […]

Bible Insights

Is it Easier to Forgive or to Heal Someone?

There is an account of Jesus, when a paralyzed man seeks to be healed. In a surprise move, Jesus confounds everybody by forgiving the man’s sins!  Jesus had realized that this man’s greatest need was not physical, but spiritual, so he addressed that first. Knowing that it is much easier to say “your sins are […]