Bible Insights

Seeking God’s Favor

There are several places in the Bible that talk about seeking God’s favor. In reading these sections it becomes clear that when people seek God’s favor, good things result; when they don’t, bad things result. For example, Hezekiah sought God’s favor and disaster was averted, whereas the Jewish people did not seek God’s favor and […]

Bible Insights

God is the Best of the Best

The God who is revealed in the Bible is number one. Consider these explanations of who he is in comparison to all else: Quite simply, God is over all and above all.  He is numero uno.  He is the Best of the best. So what should be our response?

Bible Insights

Give to God What Belongs to God

In Jesus’ parable of the tenants, there is a man who plants a vineyard and rents it out. When it is harvest time, he sends his representative to collect some of the harvest, which is likely the terms of lease. Instead of remitting to the owner what is due him, the tenants refuse, mistreating everyone […]

Bible Insights

The Implications of Omniscience

The entry “Omni God” mentioned that God is “omniscient.” This means that he has total knowledge, knowing everything. This is a huge and all-encompassing thought that God knows everything about everything everywhere. It is grand and a bit overwhelming. Embedded in this idea that God knows all things, is the reality that he also knows […]

Bible Insights

The Implications of Omnipresence

The entry “Omni God” mentioned that, among other things, God is “omnipresent.” This means that God is present everywhere or that he exists in all places, at all times. This is a grand and awesome concept, to realize that God simultaneously exists everywhere. It is huge, immense, and at times a bit overwhelming.  Sometimes this reality […]

Bible Insights

What Gender is God?

What gender is God? Although I’m not sure how important the answer is in the overall scheme of things, it is nonetheless often debated and speculated. Here is a smattering of responses to this query: Although I refer to God in the masculine, it is more out of convention and for ease of communication. In […]

Bible Insights

God’s Love is Perfect and Unconditional

God is the personification of love—and he loves us. God’s love is perfect. Some people look at their life, the good things they do and the bad things they don’t do, thinking that they are good and therefore worthy of God’s love. Others consider their life, the bad things that they do and the good […]

Bible Insights

Is God a Republican or a Democrat?

I have Christian friends who are staunch, conservative Republicans. When they read their Bible, they see God as a conservative Republican. They cannot comprehend how anyone who follows Jesus could be or think like a Democrat. Their views are found and substantiated in the Bible. I have other Christian friends who are staunch, liberal Democrats. When […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: Conversations with God

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan Both thought-provoking and inspiring, the movie Conversations with God, is based on the book by the same name, authored by Neale Donald Walsch. This true story is a compelling account of Neale, living among the homeless after being laid off and surviving a car accident.  As Neale struggles for survival and […]