Bible Insights

What is the Second Death?

The curious phrase the “second death” only occurs in John’s prophetic vision as recorded in the book of Revelation, with just four verses that mention it. But what is the second death? None of these, however, explains what the second death is. What we can learn is that it’s something that can occur after physical […]

Bible Insights

Do You Want a Double Portion?

Prior to his birth, Samuel’s father would give Samuel’s mother a double portion of the meat from his sacrifice. This showed his love for her and affirmed her, despite her being childless. She was doubly honored. Just before Elijah went up into heaven, Elisha requested to receive a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. He did; […]

Bible Insights

Three Responses to Jesus

In Matthew’s biography of Jesus, he repeats one phrase three times: “When Jesus had finished saying these things…” From this we can list three responses to Jesus. This phrase signals a transition in the story. Jesus spoke to the people and afterward the people respond: Today people’s reactions to Jesus occur in the same three […]

Christian Living

What Does it Mean to Follow Jesus?

When people approached Jesus, wanting to connect with him, he would offer a variety of instructions. It seems his response addressed their particular situation and issues. What he said most often was “repent and follow me.” “Repent” simply means to change our ways, to do a U-turn; “follow” means to go after. Sometimes Jesus was […]