Christian Living

We Must Pick Up Our Cross Daily

Becoming a Christian Isn’t a Onetime Decision but a Lifetime of Daily Decisions to Follow Jesus A friend in high school followed Jesus, and her life exemplified that decision. But after a while she fell into an extreme interpretation of the “once saved, always saved” doctrine. Then her life took a turn. She reasoned that […]

Christian Living

Discover What Jesus Said…and Didn’t Say

How to Inherit Eternal Life There are many things Jesus didn’t tell us to do to inherit eternal life or become saved. He didn’t say: He didn’t give Four Spiritual Laws, share The Roman’s Road, or recite the ABC’s of Salvation. His answer was easy. His most basic instruction was “follow me.” Then he wants […]

Christian Living

When Asked about Salvation, Jesus Said Follow Me

When people talked to Jesus, the discussion was often about the same thing, whether broached with the phrase “kingdom of God,” “kingdom of heaven,” “eternal life,” “salvation,” or “saved.” Sometimes the people asked, what must we do? How can we receive it? And Jesus responded. Although his instructions varied with the person and situation, the […]

Bible Insights

The Holy Spirit Lives in Us, But Do We Realize It?

God’s Holy Spirit exists in those who follow Jesus Before Jesus leaves this earth to return to his father in heaven he promises his disciples that they will receive the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, who Father God will send them. The Holy Spirit will teach them all things and remind them of what Jesus said […]

Bible Insights

We Must Finish Strong and Not Coast Our Way into Heaven

How We Start Doesn’t Matter, Because What Counts Is How We Finish Paul writes to the Philippian church to encourage them. He shares his personal ambition in hopes they’ll do what he does. He says he pushes himself to reach a goal and to win a prize, an eternal reward. In another place Paul talks […]

Bible Insights

Do We Take Ourselves Too Seriously?

Jesus calls us to change and become like little children Matthew tells the story about Jesus asking his disciples, “Who’s the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” The disciples don’t answer. Either they don’t know or they’re afraid to attempt an answer, for fear they might be wrong. Jesus takes a child and places this […]

Christian Living

3 Essential Aspects of Christianity

Living for Jesus is simple, but we often make it harder than it needs to be Though some people try to turn their walk with Jesus into a complex set of criteria, in reality living the Christian life is simple. That doesn’t mean it’s easy, but it is simple. Here are the three essential aspects […]

Bible Insights

Is God’s Forgiveness Conditional?

Jesus Wants Us to Fully Forgive Others So That We May be Fully Forgiven In asking the simple question, “Is God’s forgiveness conditional?” the answer seems obvious: “No! God’s forgiveness is unconditional.” I was taught that if I followed Jesus, he would forgive me. It was a fact. Forgiveness was unconditional. It made sense, and […]

Bible Insights

What is Our Answer When Jesus Calls?

A grand adventure awaits us but only if we are willing to leave what we have behind The first chapter of Mark talks about Jesus calling his disciples. As he walks along the shore, he comes across two brothers fishing. Jesus says, “Come, follow me, and I will send you out to fish for people” […]

Bible Insights

Are You Grafted Unto God’s Family Tree?

God Removes Branches from His Tree and Adds Others To It In Romans 11 Paul talks about graft. Not political graft but the biological kind. In this case, grafting takes a branch from one tree and attaches it to the stock of another tree. When done correctly the added branch will grow into the trunk […]