Christian Living

Puppy Therapy

Last week our daughter came over for the day. Her intent was not so much to see us but to enjoy our air conditioning. Being pregnant and midway through her third trimester, she had added reason to seek relief from the heat. She didn’t come alone, however, bringing with her Zane, an adorable bundle of […]

Christian Living

Should a Christian Community be Homogeneous or Heterogeneous?

It’s fun to be in the company of likeminded individuals. It’s comfortable to hang out with people similar to us. But are fun and comfortable, necessarily good things? Do they promote personal growth and advance understanding? Being with people like us?—uniform or at least similar in perspective—is a homogeneous experience. The opposite of homogeneous is […]

Personal Posts

The Long Term Problems with China’s One-Child Policy

one child policy

Personal Posts

The Domino Effect of Home Improvement

home improvement

Personal Posts

Moving Day, Times Two

Two weeks ago, we (my bride and I) helped children Dan and Kelli move from their apartment to their house.  They moved a couple carloads the night before and I rented a truck, first to move their items from our house and then to move the furniture from their apartment.  Kelli’s family brought a truckload […]

Personal Posts

Finally, Some Wedding Photos

On Saturday we had an open house for son Dan and new daughter Kelli. In addition to celebrating their recent nuptials with family and friends, we were also treated to some wedding photos. 

Personal Posts

Four Children

Over the weekend it became official. We now have four children The happy couple, Kelli and Dan, at the rehearsal dinner. We still waiting for the photos of the wedding itself.  I will post a couple as soon as I receive them!

Personal Posts

Christmas Recap

  (Back row: Laura & Chris, Dan & Kelli, Front Row: Candy & Peter) This year our Christmas celebrations began last Saturday with one side of the family, continued Christmas Eve with the other side, and concluded Christmas morning with our kids.  By 10 a.m., both couples had departed for more family celebrations of their own—but […]

Personal Posts

The Queen of Desserts

Yesterday, my bride (aka, the Queen of Desserts) went on a Christmas baking frenzy. The preliminary round occurred on Monday, but the main event was on Thursday, sunup to well past sundown cooking extravaganza. Sadly, I was fasting and unable to assume my normal role of taste tester. I know that she secretly enjoys me hovering around […]

Personal Posts

Wedding Photo and a Few More

Several readers have asked for photos of our daughter’s wedding.  Here is one of the bride and groom, flanked by my wife and I, along with Dan and his betrothed.