Bible Insights

There’s More to Discover in the Bible

Check out these books of the Bible, which are not found in all versions, but are in others, such as The Jerusalem Bible: Tobit Tobit is a story of Tobiah who journeys with Raphael to retrieve some money for his father (Tobit). Along the way he is attacked by a fish and gets married; when […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: The Other Side of Heaven

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan The Other Side of Heaven is a wonderfully inspiring real-life saga that is a part love story (on two levels) and part adventure, with a touch of spirituality mixed in for a pleasing result. In the 1950s, fresh out of college, young John Groberg (Christopher Gorham) agrees to a three-year missionary […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Muslims, Christians, and Jesus

Gaining Understanding and Building Relationships By Carl Medearis bMost Christians are fearful and distrustful of Muslims and author Carl Medearis asserts that Muslims are likewise fearful and distrustful of Christians.  In both cases, these attitudes are largely misplaced, resulting from misinformation, false stereotypes, and the highly publicized work of a radical minority—from both camps. In […]

Bible Insights

Jesus and the Fig Tree

The One About the Fig Tree Have you ever heard the story about Jesus and the fig tree? Jesus is heading into Jerusalem and is hungry. Seeing a fig tree, he searches its foliage for something to eat. Finding nothing, he seems to get a tad irritated, declaring that it will never again produce fruit. […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Under the Overpass

A Journey of Faith on the Streets of America By Mike Yankoski (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) College student Mike Yankoski felt a promoting to truly understand what it was like to be homeless—by living among them. After careful planning Mike, and friend Sam, embarked on a six-month, six-city odyssey that completely changed all their perceptions […]

Bible Insights

How Does Salvation “Work”?

How Does Salvation “Work”? In one Paul’s letters, he says something that is quite curious and strange. He tells readers to “work out your salvation” (Philippians 2:12). Ugh? Didn’t Paul also write that we are saved through faith and not by our “works” (that is, not of our own doing or striving)? (Ephesians 2:8-9). So, […]

Bible Insights

The Armor of God is For Protection

In the Bible, there is the instruction to “put on the full armor of God.” To the casual reader, this might seem like a call to arms or a provocation for military action. Yet I don’t see this as a militant statement, but merely a memory aid to help people remember key items needed to […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: End of the Spear

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan End of the Spear is the compelling true story of dedicated missionaries needlessly speared to death by the violent tribe they are seeking to help. This tragically occurs because one of the tribesmen lies about them in order to protect himself from deadly reprisals within his own clan. T he result […]

Bible Insights

Do You Live by the Law or by Faith?

Do You Live by the Law or by Faith? In what initially seems to be shocking statement, Jesus says that if we want to have eternal life, we must follow the commandments in the Old Testament. [Matthew 19:17] Of course, this is impossible, because if we break even one law, one time, we are found […]

Bible Insights

What Are You Afraid Of?

Jesus is sleeping in a boat; the disciples are crossing the lake. A major strong whips up and the disciples are overwhelmed—remember that several of them were fishermen, so it must have been a bad one to scare them. In a panic, they wake up Jesus. He says, “You have little faith; why are you […]