Christian Living

Faith Is an Action

We Demonstrate That We Follow Jesus through the Things That We Do I’ve written that we should treat love like a verb. I also suggested that we’ll do well to view Christian as a verb and not so much a noun (and certainly not an adjective). We should do the same thing with faith. Yes, […]

Peter DeHaan News

Peter DeHaan Interviewed at Victorious Christian Conference

Emily Louis Talks with Author Peter DeHaan to Discuss God, Faith, and Church Check out this video of author Peter DeHaan being interviewed by Emily Louis at the Victorious Christian Conference . They discussed the themes of faith, God, and church. The pair covered a wide array of topics. This included the importance of questioning […]

Bible Insights

Micah Speaks Truth, but the People Won’t Listen

Stop It Micah! The prophet Micah gives some strong words from God to his chosen people. Although Micah’s proclamation—his prophecy—should convict them, instead they take offense. At one point the people even tell him to stop talking—they say, “Stop it Micah”—as if his silence would keep God’s plans from happening. Micah’s sarcastic retort is that […]

Visiting Churches

A New Church

Discussing Church 7 I suspect this church is only a couple years old. I later learn they’re an outgrowth of a small group. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #7: 1. Their meeting space looks abandoned. We approach with uncertainty. I hesitate to walk inside. It wouldn’t take much to make the entrance more […]

Visiting Churches

Come Back Twelve Times and See How Your Faith Grows: Reflecting on Church #51

Visiting Church One Time Isn’t Enough With our journey of visiting fifty-two churches over, I can reflect more on the complete experience. Today, I’ll add to my thoughts about Church #51. This mega church does so many things right. Though I don’t want to go to a large church, this one really draws me. Of […]

Bible Insights

Aristarchus Suffers for His Faith

Learn More about Aristarchus Another of Paul’s friends, mentioned in his letter to Philemon, is Aristarchus. We first hear of him in Acts. We learn that he is a Macedonian from Thessalonica who is traveling with Paul on one of his missionary journeys. Later, when Paul is sent to Rome as a prisoner, faithful Aristarchus […]

Peter DeHaan News

Victorious Christian Conference Update

Fresh Perspective of the Bible and God Earlier this month I took part in the Victorious Christian Conference, hosted by Emily Louis. My session was a “Fresh Perspective of the Bible and God.” We covered that and a lot more. Though I don’t like seeing myself on video or listening to a recording of my […]

Visiting Churches

Reflecting on Church #33: A Reminder of What’s Really Important

A Poor Church With our journey of visiting fifty-two churches over, I can reflect more on the complete experience. Today, I’ll add to my thoughts about Church #33. It seems the congregation of this rural church has little to be thankful for, at least from my perspective. Yet their service taught me the opposite. I’m […]

Christian Living

The Seven Transformations of Peter DeHaan

A Personal Story of Growing in Faith and Action [This personal essay first appeared in The Transformation Project: A West Michigan Word Weavers Anthology.] A caterpillar turns into a butterfly; a tadpole becomes a frog. People can change too. We call it transformation. Here’s my story. 1. The Bible Matters We moved between fourth and […]

Christian Living

Will You Pray for Us?

The People of Israel Ask Samuel To Intercede for Them Throughout the Old Testament, the Philistines show up as a recurring nemesis for God’s chosen people, the nation of Israel. The Bible mentions the Philistines 191 times in seventeen of the Old Testament’s books. In most of these cases the Philistines are doing something to […]