Bible Insights

Jesus Appears to the Disciples

Peace Be with You! Today’s passage: John 20:19–20, along with Mark 16:14 and Luke 24:36–43 Focus verse: Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” (John 20:19) Having spent several days focusing on Luke’s account of the pair of disciples who travel to Emmaus, we segue from Luke’s gospel back to […]

Bible Insights

Two to Emmaus

…and the Mysterious Stranger Today’s passage: Mark 16:12–13 and Luke 24:13–18 Focus verse: As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them. (Luke 24:15) John doesn’t mention that two of Jesus’s followers make a trip to Emmaus. While Mark mentions this briefly, Luke gives us […]

Christian Living

What Does the Bible Mean by Breaking Bread?

The Broken Bread at the First Communion Represented Jesus’s Body The phrases breaking bread, break bread, and broke bread only appear in the New Testament. And they only show up eleven times, appearing in Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts, and 1 Corinthians. Should we understand this idea of breaking bread as a euphemism for Communion or […]

Bible Insights

Do You See Jesus?

The Disciples Walking to Emmaus Teach Us to Open Our Eyes and See God After Jesus is executed and rises from the dead, he appears to two of his followers as they walk down the road, but they don’t recognize him. They don’t see Jesus. Yet he listens as they talk about him. He pretends […]

Christian Living

How Often Do You Have Meaningful Spiritual Conversations?

Be Intentional about Discussing Faith and Avoid Superficial Chatter After Jesus’s death and him overcoming death, he appears on the street headed to the city of Emmaus, traveling with two of his followers. But they don’t recognize him. He talks to them about God, the Scriptures, and faith. When they eventually realize who he is, […]