Christian Living

How Important Is Seminary for Today’s Church Leaders?

Knowing Jesus and Hearing the Holy Spirit Is Better Than Formal Education Most all churches expect their clergy to have undergone formal, academic education. Many insist on a seminary degree, especially for their ordained ministers. From a worldly standpoint this makes sense. But from God’s perspective I can imagine him laughing. Look at the credentials […]

Personal Posts

A Sad Situation

Several years ago, locally, a 16-year-old girl was tragically killed in a house fire—because her parents had her chained to her bed. After they were given appropriately long prison sentences for her death, the father vented to any who would listen. While he admitted a “possible error in judgment” over chaining her to her bed, […]

Personal Posts

The Mathematics of Influence

Once, while at a party, I made a new friend. She was pursuing her PhD in Mathematics. Her course work was finished and she was focusing on her dissertation. Interestingly, at one point in my life, I too wanted a PhD in mathematics, but she was the first person I’ve met who was actually doing […]

Personal Posts

Words Can Tear Down or Built Up

A friend in a Master’s program recently took a pass/fail class designed to weed out weaker and mismatched students from the program. After spending less than 10 minutes in one-on-one communication, the professor deemed him to be ill suited for the program and its associated profession. He was summarily failed. Although discouraged, he repeated the […]

Personal Posts

Are You Colorblind or Color Aware?

I rarely think back to my time in high school, but recently I remembered a conversation I had with a classmate. Or at least I remember the end of our conversation. I don’t know what we were discussing or what I said, but my friend glared at me. “You forget. I’m not like you… I’m […]

Personal Posts

Lessons for a 5th Grader

I remember channel surfing once when a show caught my attention: “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader.” Although I’d heard about the show, this was my first (and last) time watching it. Overall, I fared better than the contestant, but then I didn’t have the pressure of a live audience and irksome host. I […]

Personal Posts

The Graduates, part II

Here is a picture of the happy graduates. (Mom and Dad are happy too—no more tuition payments!) Now on to their wedding next weekend!

Personal Posts

The Graduates

This weekend my bride and I will celebrate an event twenty-two years in the making. Our son, Dan, and our soon-to-be-daughter, Kelli, will graduate from college on Sunday.  I am exceeding proud of them both. First, not every high school graduate is college material and others opt for alternate paths.  Of those that head off to […]