Christian Living

Why Do We Listen to a Sunday Sermon at Church Each Week?

The Bible Offers Little Support for a Minister to Preach a Sermon to Us at Church Many changes occurred in church practices because of the Protestant Reformation some 500 years ago. One of those changes adjusted the emphasis of the Sunday service. The reformers had concern over the focus of Sunday gatherings being on the […]

Bible Insights

Will We Act Boldly For God in the Face of Fear?

Ananias Obeys God to Heal Saul Who Wants to Arrest Him I like the story of Saul’s conversion in the book of Acts, turning him from a murderous bigot into a passionate follower of Jesus. A flash of light, a voice from heaven. It has all the makings of a great story. In this account, […]

Christian Living

The Bible Shows Us the Holy Spirit

The New Testament Centers on Jesus, but the Holy Spirit Emerges as Key in the Book of Acts We’ve talked about how the Bible Reveals God the Father to Us and how the Bible Points Us to Jesus. The Holy Spirit forms the third part of the Trinity, the supernatural mystery of three spiritual deities […]

Christian Living

Church Community is Key: Seek Connection At All Costs

If Church Doesn’t Provide Meaningful Connection, Then You Need to Fix It or Find a Different Church Despite being the most connected generation, Millennials are also reportedly the loneliest. It seems their massive number of online friends and followers offer them only superficial relationships that lack meaningful interaction. They crave connections with others that touches […]

Christian Living

Do You Believe in Unicorns? Maybe it’s Time to Start

Let’s say a friend is reading a book. The opening draws him in. The characters are compelling. A fascinating plot unfolds. This is a great read, but then a unicorn walks into the scene. What? A unicorn? Unicorns don’t exist. They’re pretend, right? He’s never seen one and doesn’t know anyone who claims to. He […]

Christian Living

What Does it Mean to Break Bread?

Comparing Communion to a Meal I’m always perplexed when the Bible talks about breaking bread. What does this mean? In some contexts it seems to be a euphemism for eating, for sharing a common meal. In other cases, it seems to be a colorful reference to the Lord’s Supper, to Communion, aka The Eucharist. Which […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Pagan Christianity?

Exploring the Roots of Our Church Practices By Frank Viola and George Barna (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)Pagan Christianity? is an eye-opening delineation of how numerous traditions, customs, and practices have been erroneously introduced to the church that Jesus’ followers started. This lengthy list lacks substantive biblical support. Among the things we got wrong are the […]

Christian Living

Show Me Your Faith

Early church leader James wrote, “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.” It seems that to James, a faith without action is worthless. His statement, however, did not end this debate between faith and works. In fact, he seems to allow at least the possibility of […]

Bible Insights

Five Trustworthy Sayings From the Apostle Paul

The phrase “trustworthy sayings” occurs five times in the Bible. It likely refers to phrases that were commonly used and accepted by the early church. Paul’s inclusion of these phrases in his letters affirms them as reliable truth. Here are the five trustworthy sayings that Paul recorded: 1. Christ Jesus came into the world to […]