Bible Insights

Seeking God’s Favor

There are several places in the Bible that talk about seeking God’s favor. In reading these sections it becomes clear that when people seek God’s favor, good things result; when they don’t, bad things result. For example, Hezekiah sought God’s favor and disaster was averted, whereas the Jewish people did not seek God’s favor and […]

Bible Insights

God Thinks Highly of Us

Are You Highly Esteemed? Do you ever wonder what God thinks of you? Unfortunately, I suspect that most people who consider such a question reach the wrong conclusion. But what if an angel were to show up and provide a supernatural perspective about you? It’s happened: An angel tells Daniel that he is “highly esteemed.” […]

Bible Insights

Did Daniel Need to Ask God to Rescue the People?

Another Thought about Predestination Another curious thing with Daniel’s prayer is that he may not have even needed to make it. After all, God, through Jeremiah, foretold that the nation would be in captivity for 70 years and then return. The seventy years are about up; it is time to go home. God decreed it, […]

Bible Insights

A Curious Prayer by Daniel

The ninth chapter of Daniel records a curious prayer of Daniel. One thing that is strange is Daniel confesses things he never did. He personally accepts the errors of former generations, identifying with the wayward actions of his country. It is as if Daniel, though innocent in this regard, takes on himself the faults and […]

Bible Insights

Where’s Daniel?

You may know about Daniel, the guy noted for spending the night with a bunch of hungry lions and emerging the next morning unscathed. The bigger story is that as a youth he was captured by an invading army, forcibly relocated to Babylon, stripped of his culture, indoctrinated with new philosophies, and forced to work […]