Peter DeHaan News

The 2014 Breathe Christian Writers Conference

Last month I spoke about blogging at the Grand Rapids WordCamp. Next month I’ll again be speaking about blogging, this time at the Breathe Christian Writers Conference on October 10-11. The title of my Saturday presentation is “Getting Started with WordPress for Your Author Blog or Website.” In addition to my workshop on WordPress, there […]

Peter DeHaan News

Peter DeHaan Addresses Breathe Conference

Author Peter DeHaan spoke at the Breathe Christian Writers Conference on October 12, 2012, in Dutton Michigan. This year’s conference enjoyed a record attendance and attendees flocked to Peter DeHaan’s workshop, “Writing 101: Getting Started in Your Writing Career.” Although billed as an introductory session, it was attended by both new and experienced writers. “I […]

Peter DeHaan News

Peter DeHaan to Speak at Breathe Conference

Local Author to Give Writers Workshop Author Peter DeHaan will be speaking at the upcoming Breathe Christian Writers Conference taking place on October 12 and 13 in Dutton Michigan, just a couple miles from the Grand Rapids airport (the Gerald R. Ford International Airport). “I’ve attended the Breathe Christian Writers Conference for the past two […]

Peter DeHaan News

Kalamazoo Christian Writers Critique Group Holds First Meeting

First Meeting a Resounding Success Peter DeHaan and Jerry Barrett have started a writers critique group, Kalamazoo Christian Writers (KCW), based in Kalamazoo Michigan. The first meeting was held on July 11 at The Point, a non-profit community center located on the west side of Kalamazoo. KCW materials passed out at the inaugural meeting state: […]

Peter DeHaan News

Peter DeHaan Attends 2012 Festival of Faith and Writing Conference

Peter DeHaan attended the recent Festival of Faith and Writing conference held at Calvin College in Grand Rapids Michigan on April 19 through 21. The three-day event was attended by 2,000 from across the United States and around the world; it featured 64 presenters. At the Festival, attendees were treated to an array of presentations […]