Visiting Churches

Prayers for the People

The church’s pastor is out of town, and the laity leads the entire service. One thing they do is “prayers for the people.” Consider these four discussion questions about Church #48:  1. Someone asks us to sign their guestbook but then scrambles to find a pen. Though once common, guestbooks now seem archaic and carry […]

Visiting Churches

Two Services: Another Doubleheader

Experiencing a Traditional Service and a Contemporary One Today we’ll enjoy two services, another doubleheader: a traditional service followed by a contemporary one. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #45:  1. As we wander inside, several people acknowledge our presence, thanking us for visiting. But beyond that no one says anything more, so we […]

Visiting Churches

Key Questions from Churches 27 through 44

As we wind up this phase of our journey, our experiences are starting to blur. Yes, I still notice kindnesses offered and innovations presented, but I worry I’m now more apt to notice the negative. I pray against that. Consider these two discussion questions about the third leg of our journey:  1. I’ve noted the […]

Visiting Churches

A Great Way to End the Year

With Sunday falling between Christmas and New Year’s Day, I have low expectations for their year end service. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #39:  1. Yet inside, friendly faces and hearty handshakes greet us. People acknowledge us as first-timers, without fawning over us.  How can you better embrace newcomers without making them uncomfortable? […]

Christian Living

What is Church?

The Church of Jesus Needs to Focus on Three Things and Master Them All In our normal usage, church is a building, a place we go to—often on Sunday mornings. I’ll be there later today. Other definitions for church include a religious service, organized religion, and professional clergy. Yet a more correct understanding is that […]

Christian Living

Missional Through Community

Follow Jesus’s Example to Live in Community and Be Missional I often talk about the importance of being in a spiritual community. Though this community can happen anywhere, when it comes to church, forming meaningful spiritual connections is more important than the music or message of the Sunday service. Another critical element of our faith […]

Visiting Churches

A Day of Contrasts

Discussing Church 31 This church offers a mix of old with new, contemporary with traditional, and public friendliness with personal indifference. As a bonus, they also talk about having a Thanksgiving potluck. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #31:  1. At one point, the leader asks everyone who is able, to kneel. It hurts […]

Visiting Churches

An Intriguing Liturgical Church

Discussing Church 28 We learn of this church when we spot their name in a local paper’s church directory. Still, we struggle to confirm their meeting time. We expect to experience a liturgical church service. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #28: 1. We walk inside and a lady shares some basic information about […]

Christian Living

Do You Have Friends or Acquaintances?

Strive to Build Meaningful Connections with Those Around You We know many more people on a casual level then we do in a deeper, more meaningful way. We can distinguish between them as acquaintances versus friends. Think of concentric circles, with yourself in the center. The innermost circle contains your friends, and the next circle […]

Visiting Churches

Key Questions from Churches 14 through 26

Discussing Churches 14-26 For the past twenty-six weeks we’ve sought to expand our understanding of how others worship God. Consider these two discussion questions about the second part of our journey:  1. I now realize that church is not about the teaching or music. It’s about community.  How can your church foster community and promote […]