Visiting Churches

Church #56: The Reboot

We planned to visit this congregation for 52 Churches but couldn’t—because they didn’t exist then. Back then, two churches—one we skipped and one we visited (Church #25, “Embarking on a Metamorphosis”)—planned to simultaneously shut down for a few months and then reopen as a new, merged entity. It took more than a few months, and […]

Visiting Churches

Discussion Questions for Church #54

I’ve read books about emergent churches, but I’ve never been to one. At this church, the church leaders want to serve this underserved neighborhood: the poorest and least safe, crime-laden and hopeless. Consider these four discussion questions about Church 54. 1. They meet at 5:30 p.m. The plan is to share a meal, offer a […]

Bible Insights

How to Approach Holy Communion

In my prior post, entitled Cannibalism, Holy Communion (aka the Lord’s Supper, the Eucharist) was seen as a spiritual invitation to salvation. Communion is a symbolic rite reminding us of Jesus’ sacrificial death for us as the solution for the wrong things we have done. This is all good. However, Paul warns against the abuse of […]

Bible Insights

Do Our Meetings Do More Harm Than Good?

We Must Examine Our Church Meetings to Make Sure They Are Truly Beneficial In Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth, he talks about worshiping God and then he talks about celebrating the Lord’s Supper. In between these two topics he slips in a condemning one-liner. He says that their meetings are more likely […]

Visiting Churches

Saturday Evening Mass

A few months ago, we went to church on Saturday morning. Now we head off for a Saturday evening mass. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #50:  1. The worship leader directs us to “page one in the white book,” but what we find doesn’t match what they say. We’re confused and can’t follow […]

Visiting Churches

Significant Interactions

My pre-church prayer seems mired in the rut of routine. So it is when we pray this morning and head out for today’s church. Even so, I pray for significant interactions. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #47:  1. When my wife confirmed the time for this church, they invited us to arrive early […]

Visiting Churches

A Near Miss If Not for Their Church Sign

Discussing Church 19 With no website and a phone line that doesn’t work, we assume this church, listed only in a computer-compiled online directory, either no longer exists or never did. The church sign in front of their building is the only reason we know the service time. Consider these four discussion questions about Church […]

Visiting Churches

A Church Doubleheader

Discussing Church 17 This church has a contemporary service followed by a traditional one. It’s a church doubleheader. We’ll go to both. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #17: 1. Their idea of contemporary is vastly different from mine, with this service being one of the more reserved ones we’ve attended.  If you state […]

Visiting Churches

A Visitor Friendly Church

Discussing Church 12 Next up is another United Methodist Church. It’s a rural church and not on the way to anywhere we go, so we didn’t know it existed. They provide a lesson in what it means to be visitor friendly. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #12: 1. Their website is the most […]

Bible Insights

Discover What the Bible Says about Drinking Blood

Don’t Drink Blood versus Drink My Blood Among the many “laws” (that is, rules and regulations for right behavior), that God—through Moses—gave the nation of Israel was an unconditional prohibition against drinking blood. Every Hebrew would have been taught this from early childhood. Breaking this law would have been unthinkable to them, a repulsive act to […]