Christian Living

Discover Life-Changing Truth from the Book Jesus’s Broken Church

Today’s Church Isn’t Working. It’s Just That Most People Don’t Know It. Do you have a nagging feeling that something’s missing from your church experience? You’re not alone. It’s time to discover a better way. It’s typical that people who read the Bible do so through the lens of their experiences. Christians use the perspective […]

Christian Living

9 Perspectives That We Must Change about Church

Re-examine Our Church Practices from a Biblical Viewpoint Over the past few months, I published a series of posts about assumptions we should change about church. Here is a list of all nine: What perspectives should you change about your view of church? Pick the assumption that most convicts you and work to reform it, […]

Christian Living

The Seven Transformations of Peter DeHaan

A Personal Story of Growing in Faith and Action [This personal essay first appeared in The Transformation Project: A West Michigan Word Weavers Anthology.] A caterpillar turns into a butterfly; a tadpole becomes a frog. People can change too. We call it transformation. Here’s my story. 1. The Bible Matters We moved between fourth and […]

Visiting Churches

Reflecting on Church #32: Overcoming Past Mistakes

Our Past Doesn’t Need to Define Our Future With our journey of visiting fifty-two churches over, I can reflect more on the complete experience. Today, I’ll add to my thoughts about Church #32. Our experience at this church was positive, and I’m excited for their future. There is more to it, however. Here is their […]

Bible Insights

The Warning Signs of a Preacher Gone Bad

How to Identify a False Teacher Peter writes to caution the early church about false teachers, leaders who misguide, doing more harm to the church of Jesus than good. We need to watch out for them. Here are some of the characteristics of a preacher gone bad. False Teachers I’ve known preachers like this. I’ve […]

Christian Living

The Latter Years of Martin Luther

Martin Luther Wanted to Work Within the Church to Bring About Change but They Kicked Him Out Martin Luther intended to work out his ninety-five theses within the Church leadership. However, once the masses read and heard them in their own language—through no fault of Martin’s—an internal Church discussion became impossible. A revolution brewed. The […]

Christian Living

What We Can’t Get from Online Church

Embrace the Benefits of Meeting Together When we can’t attend church, to meet in person, and must experience a service online, does that count as going to church? The essential parts of the service are the same. There is music, a message, and a prayer or two. F or these three key elements, the result […]

Christian Living

Stay Home to Go to Church

Ideas for Having a House Church Over the years there have been times when I couldn’t go to church. I’m not talking about the Sundays I was ill or traveling. Instead, I’m referring to times when the church canceled its service. These have included weather-related problems, power outages, no heat, and construction issues. Each of […]

Bible Insights

The Nazarene Sect: There are Two Sides to Every Story

Gamaliel Offers Wise Advice for Whenever Religious Factions Stand in Opposition Paul’s in jail, imprisoned for doing what God told him to do. This isn’t Paul’s first incarceration for his faith in Jesus, and it won’t be his last. When his trial finally begins, his detractors levy four charges against him, which they use to […]

Christian Living

The Truth about Tithing

Discover What the Bible Says and Doesn’t Say We’re supposed to tithe to the local church, to give 10 percent of our income, right? Hold on. Not so fast. What does the Bible say about tithing? The Bible talks a lot about tithing, of giving one tenth of what we have to God. However, there […]