Christian Living

Not Going to Church

I think it was Reggie McNeal who first said, “People…are not leaving the church because they have lost their faith. They are leaving to preserve their faith.” That statement may be shocking—even heretical—to some, but I suspect that for many it is enlightening, effectively explaining declining church attendance, albeit in a disconcerting and confronting manner. […]

Christian Living

Where is Church?

Where is Church? Over the holidays I reconnected with a valued friend. Although our paths had diverged for a couple of years, we easily picked up where we left off. We talked about writing and family and faith—and eventually, church. He had taken a time-out from attending, only recently returning for the sake of his […]

Christian Living

Do You Struggle With Church Attendance?

Much of my life I have struggled with going to church. It’s not that I’ve been in a crisis of faith, but more a crisis of religion—or, as some would call it, religiosity. Church attendance has not been faith confirming for me as much as faith confounding. My spiritual journey and growth happen largely in […]

Bible Insights

A Different Perspective on the Bible

In one of the blogs I read, someone posted a comment. The message only somewhat tied in with the topic and the backlink was to an unrelated website. I dislike the idea of giving the author’s rant any more exposure by repeating it, but once I set aside the invective nature of the post, I […]

Christian Living

A Failure to Understand the Book of Jude?

I’m doing a series of posts about the short and often overlooked book of Jude. Jude’s letter is a warning, almost a rant, about ungodly people who are in the church. Among their sordid characteristics, Jude says that they “speak abusively against whatever they do not understand.” That seems to be an accurate description of […]

Christian Living

Let’s Get Together: Celebrating Community

Spend Intentional Time with Other Faith Seekers and Fellow Spiritual Pilgrims Instead of celebrating community, in the individualistic society in which we live, most who pursue spiritual things do so in an individualistic manner—by themselves. This is not good, and it is not wise. Living the spiritual life is best accomplished in conjunction with others. […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Christianity for the Rest of Us

How the Neighborhood Church is Transforming the Faith By Diana Butler Bass (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Diana Butler Bass opens her book, Christianity for the Rest of Us: How the Neighborhood Church is Transforming the Faith, by admitting that mainline (that is, liberal) Protestantism is in trouble, with declining attendance and a loss of significance. […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Under the Overpass

A Journey of Faith on the Streets of America By Mike Yankoski (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) College student Mike Yankoski felt a promoting to truly understand what it was like to be homeless—by living among them. After careful planning Mike, and friend Sam, embarked on a six-month, six-city odyssey that completely changed all their perceptions […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Megashift

Megashift By James Rutz (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)If you want to be challenged in your understanding of what it is to follow Jesus—in the way that he modeled and how the Bible teaches—then Megashift is the book for you; it is sure to exceed those expectations.  If, however, you desire an easy-to-read, feel-good book, wish […]