Visiting Churches

Saturday Evening Mass

A few months ago, we went to church on Saturday morning. Now we head off for a Saturday evening mass. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #50:  1. The worship leader directs us to “page one in the white book,” but what we find doesn’t match what they say. We’re confused and can’t follow […]

Visiting Churches

A Large and Anonymous Church

This church is huge, the largest so far. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #49: 1. I wonder if I’ll find a space in their packed parking lot and fight off the urge to flee in panic. Large churches need parking attendants.  What can you do to help people find a place to park […]

Christian Living

Who Teaches You?

Do Sermons Belong in Church? We go to church to learn about God, right? So sermons belong in church, right? Who told you that? It was likely the minister at your local church. That’s who I’ve heard it from, and church is always the place where I heard it. Isn’t that self-serving? Think about it. […]

Visiting Churches

Prayers for the People

The church’s pastor is out of town, and the laity leads the entire service. One thing they do is “prayers for the people.” Consider these four discussion questions about Church #48:  1. Someone asks us to sign their guestbook but then scrambles to find a pen. Though once common, guestbooks now seem archaic and carry […]

Visiting Churches

Significant Interactions

My pre-church prayer seems mired in the rut of routine. So it is when we pray this morning and head out for today’s church. Even so, I pray for significant interactions. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #47:  1. When my wife confirmed the time for this church, they invited us to arrive early […]

Visiting Churches

Church Discipline

The sprawling facility provides an impressive view from a distance. Their larger, new building suggests a thriving, dynamic community. But our experience there does not align this this, but the teaching about church discipline really connects with me. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #46:  1. Yet no one responds to Candy’s phone messages […]

Visiting Churches

Two Services: Another Doubleheader

Experiencing a Traditional Service and a Contemporary One Today we’ll enjoy two services, another doubleheader: a traditional service followed by a contemporary one. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #45:  1. As we wander inside, several people acknowledge our presence, thanking us for visiting. But beyond that no one says anything more, so we […]

Visiting Churches

Looking toward Churches 45 through 53

Our visiting churches journey is winding down. Consider these two discussion questions as we move into the final phase of our adventure:  1. Visiting churches has been insightful, but our exploration has worn on us too. We carry both attitudes. Similarly, each person at your church comes with baggage and something they want to achieve […]

Visiting Churches

Key Questions from Churches 27 through 44

As we wind up this phase of our journey, our experiences are starting to blur. Yes, I still notice kindnesses offered and innovations presented, but I worry I’m now more apt to notice the negative. I pray against that. Consider these two discussion questions about the third leg of our journey:  1. I’ve noted the […]

Visiting Churches

A Familiar Place

We attended this church years ago. This won’t be a visit as much as a reunion. It’s a familiar place. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #44:  1. The building is twenty-five years old and well-maintained. Too many church buildings show neglect, repelling people instead of inviting them.  What are some low-cost ways you […]