Visiting Churches

Church #55: New and Small

One of our goals in 52 Churches was to visit all ten churches located in our local school district. After 52 Churches ended, that number increased to eleven. The primary marketing for this new church is yard signs, spread throughout the area, suggesting a different kind of church. We make a mental note to visit. […]

Christian Living

Don’t Let Our Labels Divide Us

May We Be One in Jesus and Ignore What Could Separate Us We live in a divisive time, with one group opposing another, often in the most zealous of ways, sometimes even with violent outcomes. As a society, we’re quick to put people in a box and label them according to some aspect of their […]

Christian Living

Are You a Sunday Morning Spectator or Performer?

Church Services Have Become an Event, With Consumers Who Come to Watch a Show Today’s churches contain two types of people. And each of us fits in one category or the other. We are either performers or spectators. If this seems callous, consider that we live in an entertainment-centered society. We watch TV, go to […]

Visiting Churches

Discussion Questions for Church #53

As a reference, I share attending our home church on Easter Sunday. This marks the end of 52 Churches and the start of More Than 52 Churches. Though I strive to remain objective in visiting churches, our home church forms the lens I look through. Consider these seven discussion questions about Church #53. 1. I […]

Visiting Churches

Church #53: Home for Easter Sunday

Our journey of visiting fifty-two churches in a year is over. I’m sad and excited at the same time. Our reunion with our home church community looms large. We will be home for Easter Sunday. It’s Easter, and we’re returning to the people we love and have missed. I expect a joyful homecoming and a […]

Christian Living

How Do We Worship God?

Discover How to Reframe Worship from a Biblical Perspective What do you think of when you hear the word worship? How do we worship God? What does worshiping our Lord mean? Worship Service Many churches refer to their Sunday morning meeting time as “worship” or “worship service.” This is how they list it on their […]

Visiting Churches

When Visiting Churches We Must Keep Our Focus on God

For 52 Churches, my wife and I spent one year visiting a different Christian church every week. What we learned was amazing. Still, I knew the journey wasn’t over. We had more to do and visited more churches. I shared these new experiences in More Than 52 Churches. Consider these three discussion questions as we […]

Visiting Churches

Wasn’t 52 Churches Enough?

For 52 Churches, my wife and I spent one year visiting a different Christian church every Sunday. It was an amazing journey that allowed us to experience the vast scope of Jesus’s church. The experience expanded our faith as we celebrated God in various local branches of his church. Yes, the worship practices varied and […]

Visiting Churches

Church Improvement Tips

We witnessed more than a few oversights, errors, and blunders that could turn people away. Sadly, many occurred in more than one church. Here are some pointers, some church improvement tips, to consider so you don’t scare away guests. Consider these four discussion questions:  1. Realtors stress curb appeal. So should churches.  What can you […]

Visiting Churches

Generalizations from 52 Churches

Stating generalities is risky, but it is a way of processing information.  Here are two areas to discuss: 1. In our experiences, churches with older congregations and traditional services tended to be friendlier than contemporary services with younger people.  Does your church match this observation or break from it? What must change? 2. I’m dismayed […]