Christian Living

The Good, Better, and Best of Spiritual Understanding

In my post “What I Learned From The Great Divorce,” I shared three levels of spiritual understanding for a book: reading it, seeing it preformed, and discussing it afterward. These have parallels to our spiritual journey. 1. Read I was intrigued when I read C. S. Lewis’s The Great Divorce. However, my primary reaction was […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Go To Church, Change the World

Go To Church, Change the World: Christian Community as Calling By Gerald J. Mast (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)Despite a trend to the contrary, the premise of Gerald Mast’s book Go To Church, Change the World is that church involvement is not a tradition to throw aside, but a practice to embrace. With a calling to […]

Christian Living

Not Going to Church

I think it was Reggie McNeal who first said, “People…are not leaving the church because they have lost their faith. They are leaving to preserve their faith.” That statement may be shocking—even heretical—to some, but I suspect that for many it is enlightening, effectively explaining declining church attendance, albeit in a disconcerting and confronting manner. […]