Christian Living

The Church is God’s Temple

We Honor God When We Take Care of His Temple In the post “Take Care of God’s Temple,” we talked about honoring God with our bodies because the Holy Spirit lives in us. But there is more to this idea of our bodies being God’s temple. Collectively the church is God’s temple too. That is, […]

Christian Living

Church Practice or Church Priority?

What Is Versus What Should Be As I read and study the Bible, one common thread I’m always looking for is passages that will inform how the church should function. I want to align what we do at church with what Scripture teaches. Too often, however, our church practice isn’t all that biblical. Instead, we […]

Christian Living

The Error of Christian Litmus Tests

We Must Take Care to Not Judge Others for Their Faith, Practices, or Beliefs Most Christians evaluate people by a set of criteria they use to judge their faith. It’s as if they have a set of Christian litmus tests to decide who are true adherents and who are heretics. Sometimes these Christian litmus tests […]

Bible Insights

What Did the First Church Do?

Four Keys from the Early Church Just days after Pentecost, the people who follow Jesus begin to hang out. This is the first church. What did they do? In the book of Acts, Doctor Luke records four key things: In addition, they meet every day at the temple (outreach) and in homes (fellowship). They share […]

Christian Living

Has the Church Lost Its Influence?

If We’re to Influence the World, We Can’t Let the World Influence Us I’ve written a lot about personal influence, but not so much about church influence. As followers of Jesus, we should seek to influence others, to have a positive impact on them. This means we must seek positive influences for our lives and […]

Christian Living

Tithe Your Time

Consider Giving Ten Percent of Your Time Some churches talk a lot about tithing, of the need for us to give them ten percent of our income. In addition, I’ve heard a sermon or two about applying this ten percent guideline to volunteering at church, to tithe your time. It’s an interesting concept that we […]

Christian Living

Pulpit or Pews?

Who Makes Things Happen at Your Church? When something needs to be done at your church, who does it? Many people would say it’s the pastor. They view their clergy as paid employees who are supposed to do the work of the church and serve them. But should they? Paid Staff The idea of having […]

Christian Living

Celebrate the Family

We Must Stand Firm Against Society’s Attacks on Marriage and Children As followers of Jesus, we need to reclaim what the Bible teaches about family. This is because the biblical ideal of family has taken a hit in today’s culture. Therefore, we must counter this and celebrate the family. Today’s secular society views marriage as […]

Bible Insights

We Need to Learn From the Seven Churches in Revelation

John’s Vision for These Churches Provides Us With Practical Insight Today Many people love the Book of Revelation, the apostle John’s supernatural treatise of the end times. It’s an epic read of God’s awesome power and the amazing, scary, exciting events that will usher us from this world into our eternal reality. Yet readers are […]

Christian Living

What Does Nondenominational Mean?

Many Churches Misuse This Word and Don’t Even Know It Some churches call themselves nondenominational. But from a practical perspective and a functional standpoint I doubt how true their assessment is. Nondenominational Definition Nondenominational refers to a person or an entity—usually a church—that does not restrict themselves to or affiliated with a particular denomination. They […]