Visiting Churches

Our Second Church Visit but First Service

A Delayed Experience and Worth the Wait We visited this church as one of our original fifty-two, though I almost didn’t count it. On the Sunday we showed up, they cancelled their service because their minister had an emergency. With a start time of 11:30, it was too late to head anywhere else. Instead, we […]

Visiting Churches

Seeking the Full Pentecostal Experience

Expecting the Unexpected and Still Being Surprised When we visited Church #14, I expected more. I anticipated experiencing the movement of the Holy Spirit, prophetic words, and the possibility of people being slain in the spirit. I expected the full Pentecostal experience. I braced to hear holy laughter and the tumult of the masses simultaneously […]

Visiting Churches

Reflections on 52 Churches

Wrapping Up Our Year of Visiting Churches Our journey of visiting fifty-two churches is over, though the memories will last forever. With much to consider, this wrap-up pulls together key elements of our adventure. I hope this helps you and your church better interact with and respond to visitors, as well as find new ways […]

Visiting Churches

Evangelical or Charismatic Church?

Confusing Messaging I’m excited about visiting the last church on our list—or at least the final church we intend to visit. Our plans could change, and with God, they often do. I’m not sure if this church is charismatic or evangelical. An Independent Charismatic Fellowship Unlike last week, this church’s website provides a lot of […]

Christian Living

Confusing Words That Mean Different Things to Different People

We Must Be Careful with the Words We Use We must exercise caution with using these confusing words. These terms are more likely to cause confusion than clarity. Consider the word cleave. It can mean to split apart or to come together. If a couple decides to cleave, what does that mean? Are they breaking […]

Visiting Churches

Discussion Questions for Church #55: A Time of Sharing

After 52 Churches ended, a new church launched in our area. Their primary marketing was yard signs, which promoted a fresh approach to church. With a last-minute opening in our schedule, we have an opportunity to visit and experience a great time of sharing.  Consider these seven discussion questions about Church 55. 1. Their Facebook […]

Christian Living

Live in Christian Unity

In Jesus We Are the Same Paul writes that when we follow Jesus there’s no real difference between being Jewish or Greek, slave or free, male or female, circumcised, uncircumcised, barbarian, or uncivilized (Colossians 3:11). He’s advocating Christian unity. Stop to think about this, to really contemplate the ramifications. He tells us to break down […]

Visiting Churches

A Near Miss If Not for Their Church Sign

Discussing Church 19 With no website and a phone line that doesn’t work, we assume this church, listed only in a computer-compiled online directory, either no longer exists or never did. The church sign in front of their building is the only reason we know the service time. Consider these four discussion questions about Church […]

Bible Insights

Don’t Fight Against God

Too Many People Fail to See God at Work and Instead Oppose Those Who Follow Him into His New Ways Jesus warns his followers what awaits them. First, they’ll get kicked out of their church and then people will kill them. Their opponents will do so in the name of religion, thinking they’re acting in […]

Visiting Churches

Pentecostal Church Insights

Discussing Church 14 The church website doesn’t give their affiliation, but the pastor’s bio implies they’re Pentecostal. Their Facebook page, however, prominently confirms this. Consider these four discussion questions about Church #14:  1. Facebook says the service lasts two hours. I’m glad to know this, but I still dread what awaits me.  Most people expect […]