Christian Living

Beware of Spiritual Incest

When at a business convention, I once spouted off a grand sounding idea, but it was really a bad suggestion that warranted immediate rejection. Yet I proclaimed it with passion and the air of authority (I had just finished speaking on the subject, and this new added thought added to the discussion). I presented my […]

Christian Living

Why I’m Willing to Wait for Dessert

Craving dessert is a habit my wife, “The Queen of Desserts,” cultivated in me. She claims, however, my affection for sweets was well ingrained before we met. When eating at home, I pace myself through the meal in expectation of a tasty treat at the end. At restaurants, their oversize proportions and my training to […]

Christian Living

The Spirituality of Giving

When it comes to giving to others there are two schools of thought. One is to give to whoever asks and the other is to be good stewards of the resources God has given us. The problem is, both of these are taught in the Bible, so which is it? The answer, as with many […]

Christian Living

The Spirituality of Receiving

When we give something to others, there should be a spiritual element to our generosity. It’s more than just to be nice to them or to feel better about ourselves. There’s a spiritual aspect in giving that can honor God and connect us more closely with him. There’s also a spiritual aspect in receiving. Just […]

Christian Living

Be True to Our Calling

I just returned from a writers conference. It was a rewarding and informative time in learning about the art—and business—of writing well. In the closing presentation, our speaker astutely noted that some of us write fiction and some non-fiction; some write for the Christian market and some for the general market—and that’s okay. As writers, […]

Christian Living

Let’s Get Together: Celebrating Community

Spend Intentional Time with Other Faith Seekers and Fellow Spiritual Pilgrims Instead of celebrating community, in the individualistic society in which we live, most who pursue spiritual things do so in an individualistic manner—by themselves. This is not good, and it is not wise. Living the spiritual life is best accomplished in conjunction with others. […]

Christian Living

Just Because it’s Spiritual Doesn’t Mean it’s Good

I think that all things are spiritual, but I am quick to assert that not everything that is spiritual is good. Sometimes it is abundantly clear when something is spiritual but bad; other times it is not so obvious, while occasionally it can be quite confusing. As a foundation of understanding, I use the Bible […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Sleeping with Bread

Holding What Gives You Life By Dennis Linn, Sheila Fabricant Linn and Matthew Linn (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Sleeping with Bread: Holding What Gives You Life, opens with the account of World War orphans who, although provided with all their material needs at refugee camps, were unable to sleep at night. They feared that they […]

Christian Living

Welcome to Pursuing Biblical God

Welcome to “Pursuing Biblical God,” a conversation about spirituality from a biblical perspective. Here are some thoughts to get our party started: What makes me qualified to embark upon such a grandiose endeavor? Only that I am on a journey in pursuit of the God who is revealed in the Bible, the God who created […]

Christian Living

Pursuing Biblical God

This blog covers biblical Christianity, with a goal to to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. Read Peter DeHaan’s latest posts.