Peter DeHaan News

Do You Plan to Read the Bible?

Follow a Strategy to Regularly Study Scripture Most years I read the entire Bible in a year. It takes 12 to 15 minutes a day. If you’re up to the challenge, I encourage you to join me as I read the Bible next year. Here’s the Bible reading schedule that I like to follow. Though […]

Peter DeHaan News

Peter DeHaan Interviewed at Victorious Christian Conference

Emily Louis Talks with Author Peter DeHaan to Discuss God, Faith, and Church Check out this video of author Peter DeHaan being interviewed by Emily Louis at the Victorious Christian Conference . They discussed the themes of faith, God, and church. The pair covered a wide array of topics. This included the importance of questioning […]

Christian Living

We Need a Balanced Bible Perspective

How We Read Scripture Influences Our View of God and Our Relationship with Him In a prior post I said that not all Scripture is the same. I placed the books of the Bible into eight groups. This formed a hierarchy of importance, starting with the Gospels. Though this is a most helpful guide in […]

Christian Living

Celebrate the Gospel of John

Slow Down to Appreciate the Poetic Rhythm and Evocative Style of the Apostle John I once quipped that the book of John was my fourth favorite biography of Jesus in the Bible. Another time I wrote about the Ten Most Difficult Books in the Bible. To the dismay of many, I included the Gospel of […]

Christian Living Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: The Psalms in the Light of the Lord’s Prayer

By Patricia M Robertson, D.Min Reviewed by Peter DeHaan Take a fresh look at the Psalms. Some people love the Psalms and other struggle through them. Regardless of which camp you’re in, this book will provide added clarity. In The Psalms in the Light of the Lord’s Prayer, Patricia M Robertson, D.Min, applies the suggestion […]

Christian Living

Read Scripture to Feed Your Soul and Inform Your Life

A Lifetime of Reading the Bible I’ve read Scripture most of my life. It’s been a huge part of my faith journey. To be clear, this started out with my parents reading to me: one Bible story each night before I went to bed. This helped me know God’s Word at an early age and […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Life Application Study Bible

The third edition of the Life Application Study Bible may just be the only Bible study tool you’ll ever need. With the popular NIV translation as its foundation, this Bible surrounds it with insightful charts, timelines, and sidebars. It also includes a concise commentary, cross reference notes, and character profiles. The Life Application Study Bible […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: NIrV, The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids

Good for Children of Ages I’m quite familiar with the NIV (New International Version) Bible. The NIV is the version I use most for Bible reading, studying, and research. And it’s the version I usually quote in my books. But what about the NIrV? Though I’ve heard about the NIrV (New International Reader’s Version), I […]

Peter DeHaan News

What’s the Focus of Your Bible Reading?

Study God’s Holy Scripture I spent all of last year studying women in the Bible. As the year progressed, my initial list of thirty kept getting longer. By yearend, I had found over seventy-five, and I wrote blog posts for about half of them. Although I don’t plan on blogging about the rest, I am […]