Bible Insights

God’s Provision

Psalm 160 from Beyond Psalm 150 Poor, widowed, and struggling to survive, Ruth lives with her destitute mother-in-law, Naomi. Yet God provides for Ruth (and her mother-in-law too) when Boaz marries Ruth as her kinsman-redeemer. Ruth and Boaz have a son—Ruth’s first child and Naomi’s first grandchild. (This boy, Obed, is the grandfather of the shepherd […]

Bible Insights

Deborah’s Song

Psalm 159 from Beyond Psalm 150 After Moses dies, his successor, Joshua, leads the people to conquer and settle in the promised land. Then a series of judges (leaders) work to free the people from recurring cycles of oppression. The book of Judges lists one female judge among many male counterparts. Deborah, a judge and […]

Bible Insights

Moses’s Parting Blessing

Psalm 158 from Beyond Psalm 150 After Moses’s final song he gives a blessing to the people. The first four verses of this passage read like a psalm. He then directs the rest of his oration to various tribes, much like a patriarch giving his final words to his children. In the opening to his […]

Bible Insights

Moses’s Final Song

Psalm 157 from Beyond Psalm 150 Despite forty years of faithful service leading God’s chosen people, God prohibits Moses from entering the promised land. This is all because of a single act of disobedience. This one action is enough to keep Moses from realizing the reward he desires. It’s a reminder that, through the law, one […]

Bible Insights

An Interactive Liturgy

Psalm 156 from Beyond Psalm 150 With the people poised to take the promised land, Moses recaps their forty-year history in the desert and reviews the instructions God gave them. At one point Moses leads the people in a liturgy of blessings (for obedience) and curses (for disobedience). In this the Levites make a statement […]

Bible Insights

A Song of Victory

Psalm 155: from Beyond Psalm 150 As God’s people travel through the desert and prepare to take the promised land, they come to the border of the Amorites. They ask King Sihon for permission to travel through the country, promising to stay on the main thoroughfare and not take any of the Amorites’ food or […]

Bible Insights

The Nation Sings

Psalm 154 from Beyond Psalm 150 As the people of Israel travel about in the desert, water is scarce. They reach the city of Beer. God instructs Moses to gather the people, and he will provide water to quench their thirst. The people respond collectively, praising God in song. Though this seems like a poem […]

Bible Insights

The Song of Miriam

Psalm 153 from Beyond Psalm 150 The shortest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 117. It weighs in at a mere two verses, serving as a reminder that our efforts to praise God need not be long or wordy. Sometimes succinct is better. Miriam’s song of praise to God, only one verse long, is a […]

Christian Living

The Song of Moses

Psalm 152 from Beyond Psalm 150 Psalm 90 is the oldest chapter in the book of Psalms. Moses wrote it. Though it’s his only entry in the Psalms, Moses penned other songs as well, but we need to search for them. We encounter one in the book of Exodus, we’ll call it the song of […]

Christian Living

Celebrating Scripture’s Other Psalms

Discover More Psalms in the Bible from Exodus through to Revelation Paul writes to the church in Colossae that they are to teach and admonish one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in their heart to the Lord (Colossians 3:16). He writes a similar sentiment to the church in Ephesus: “Be […]