Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Muslims, Christians, and Jesus

Gaining Understanding and Building Relationships By Carl Medearis bMost Christians are fearful and distrustful of Muslims and author Carl Medearis asserts that Muslims are likewise fearful and distrustful of Christians.  In both cases, these attitudes are largely misplaced, resulting from misinformation, false stereotypes, and the highly publicized work of a radical minority—from both camps. In […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: Conversations with God

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan Both thought-provoking and inspiring, the movie Conversations with God, is based on the book by the same name, authored by Neale Donald Walsch. This true story is a compelling account of Neale, living among the homeless after being laid off and surviving a car accident.  As Neale struggles for survival and […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Lifesigns

Intimacy, Fecundity, and Ecstasy in Christian Perspective By Henri Nouwen (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Much of Lifesigns was written while author Henri Nouwen was staying at l’Arche, a loving and compassion-filled home for the handicapped. It is, therefore, not surprising that he connects that environment to this discourse. Nouwen asserts that we show signs of […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: The Threefold Art of Experiencing God

The Liberating Power of Trinitarian Faith By Christian A. Schwarz (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) The Threefold Art of Experiencing God is a short book (32 pages) that is packed with profundity. Author Christian Schwarz asserts that although most Christians believe in the Trinity (that God exists in three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) […]