Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: When Helping Hurts

How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor and Yourself By Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)As implied by the subtitle, the main premise of When Helping Hurts is that efforts to help those who are less fortunate often do more harm than good—to both the receiver and the giver. In communicating […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: The Rabbit and the Elephant

Why Small is the New Big for Today’s Church By Tony and Felicity Dale and George Barna (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) Rabbits reproduce quickly and with abundance, while elephants do so slowly and infrequently; this is a metaphor for the church. The established institutional church is likened to the elephant, while the house church is […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Ruth

How an Outsider Gained God’s Favor By Harry L. Brewer (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)The front cover of the book, Ruth: How an Outsider Gained God’s Favor, asks the rhetorical question, “Ever feel like an outsider?” Ruth was definitely an outsider. She was a foreigner and not a member of God’s chosen people, yet she makes […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: When Not to Borrow

When Not to Borrow: Unconventional Financial Wisdom to Set Your Church Free By Ray Bowman and Eddy Hall (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)In When Not to Borrow, authors Ray Bowman and Eddy Hall look at church debt. They expose how it can cripple an organization by limiting ministry, curtailing outreach, and stunting growth. Though unconventional in […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Stark Raving Obedience

Stark Raving Obedience: Radical Results from Listening Prayer By Ted Kallman and Isaiah Kallman (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)“The only way to have a personal relationship with anyone is to talk with them, to build trust and have a history with them,” (p 12). This is a fitting perspective for Ted and Isaiah Kallman’s book Stark […]

Peter DeHaan News

Peter DeHaan to Speak at Breathe Conference

Local Author to Give Writers Workshop Author Peter DeHaan will be speaking at the upcoming Breathe Christian Writers Conference taking place on October 12 and 13 in Dutton Michigan, just a couple miles from the Grand Rapids airport (the Gerald R. Ford International Airport). “I’ve attended the Breathe Christian Writers Conference for the past two […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Secrets of the Secret Place

Secrets of the Secret Place: Keys to Igniting Your Personal Time with God By Bob Sorge (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) The intent of Secrets of the Secret Place is directly stated in the subtitle: to ignite your personal time with God. Towards that end, author Bob Sorge takes readers on a journey of starting and […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: The Meaning of Life

By James Rutz (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)In The Meaning of Life, author James Rutz takes a new look at some of the standard thinking about God. He examines anew God’s creation, corrects common misconceptions about what heaven and hell are really like, revisits history to address its central theme and approaching conclusion, addresses the problem […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: The Hip-Hop Church

The Hip-Hop Church: Connecting with the Movement Shaping Our Culture By Efrem Smith and Phil Jackson (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) In The Hip-Hop Church, authors Efrem Smith and Phil Jackson assert that hip-hop transcends the music on which it is based, forming its own culture that has been largely missed or dismissed by the church. […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: A Generous Orthodoxy

Why I am a missional, evangelical, post/protestant, liberal/conservative, mystical/poetic, biblical, charismatic/contemplative, fundamentalist/Calvinist, Anabaptist/Anglican, Methodist, catholic, green, incarnational, depressed- yet hopeful, emergent, unfinished Christian. By Brian McLaren (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) In A Generous Orthodoxy, author Brian McLaren seeks to move the modern world’s theological dialog beyond the paralyzing impasse of liberal versus conservative, into a […]