Personal Posts

Raccoons in the Neighborhood

I’ve blogged about squirrels in my yard, which I see on a daily basis and rabbits in my yard, which I see almost as often. This is not the case with raccoons. I’ve never seen a raccoon near my house, at least not until a couple weeks ago. I was outside as dawn was peaking forth, setting the lawn […]

Personal Posts

Starting a Micro-Garden

“Can we have a garden?” My bride’s question caught me off guard. We’ve not had a garden for 25 years, not since we moved house. “No!” was my emphatic reply. I wasn’t about to dig up the lawn for a garden; plus our rapidly expanding maple trees provided too much shade for there to be […]

Personal Posts

The Birds Are Singing

I’ve worked at home for over twenty years. With a home office, it’s critical to have a professional, work-like environment. This is especially true when you are on a phone call (or video call). There can be no household noises, such as blaring TVs or radios, crying children, barking dogs, or talking spouses. These sounds […]

Personal Posts

Weathering the Storm

When we lost power last weekend, there were high winds at the time. Very high. To my dismay, the next morning I spotted three birds’ nests that had been ripped from my trees by the gusty gale.  Although saddened by the loss of home for my animal friends, I was encouraged that most of the […]

Personal Posts

Crazy Rabbits

Last fall, I posted a picture of the burning bush in my yard. Of course, it looks different now; the leaves have all fallen off and bare twigs are exposed to the elements—and to the rabbits. It seems that my burning bush has become a favorite hangout for the rabbits in my neighborhood. It’s not […]

Personal Posts

Squirrely Behavior

This year, I’ve noticed a lot of squirrels in my yard—or at least one squirrel many times over.  This is a bit strange, as squirrels like oak trees, walnut trees, hickory trees—seemingly any tree with nuts—and I don’t have nutty trees in my yard.  I do have Maples and I’ve never seen a squirrel build […]

Personal Posts

How to Get a Mole to Leave

We’ve had an influx of mole activity in recent days. Perhaps the dry weather has something to do with it. I wouldn’t mind if not for the mounds of dirt they make throughout the lawn. Over the years, I’ve tried various means of “encouraging” them to go elsewhere—such as to my neighbors’ yard. One such recommendation was to […]

Personal Posts

The Birds

Over the past month, its been quite dry here, during which time we have accumulated less than a half of inch of rain.  As such, I have been spending more time than usual watering my lawn, dragging hoses around every hour or so in an effort to keep in green. An interesting side effect of […]

Personal Posts

Birdbrain Behavior

The numerous Maple tress and Blue Spruce in our yard provide ample and ideal nesting sites for various varieties of birds. Most noticeable are the Robins. This is because they throw a fit if you get anywhere close to their nest. Sometimes they fly full speed, straight at your head, veering off at the last moment.  I’m […]

Bible Insights

Living in Harmony with Animals

In “Adam was a Vegetarian,” I referenced Genesis 9:2-3 were God added meat to mankind’s diet. There is another interesting item in that passage. In verse two, God says that from then on, all the animals would be afraid of people. This allows us to infer that prior to that time, the animals were not […]