Peter DeHaan News

Letters of John Bible Study Contents

Complete Lesson List from 1, 2, and 3 John Bible Study The entire letters of John Bible study contents are now available for you or your small group, Sunday school, or classroom. It’s available to you at no cost. Ideal for weekly gatherings, daily devotionals, or independent study. Go through the whole study or pick […]

Bible Study

3 John Bible Study, Day 40: Peace to You

Today’s passage: 3 John 1:13–14 Focus verse: Peace to you. (3 John 1:14) John ends his first letter with an abrupt instruction to keep away from idols. In contrast, he wraps up his next two letters with a smoother, more intimate farewell. To both recipients he expresses his desire to see them in person and tell them […]

Bible Study

3 John Bible Study, Day 39: Esteemed Demetrius

Today’s passage: 3 John 1:11–12 Focus verse: Demetrius is well spoken of by everyone—and even by the truth itself. (3 John 1:12) After cautioning Gaius about Diotrephes, John instructs Gaius to not imitate evil but what is good. Given the context, with this following the warning about Diotrephes, we realize that John is calling Diotrephes evil. Before […]

Bible Study

3 John Bible Study, Day 38: Selfish Diotrephes

Today’s passage: 3 John 1:9–10 Focus verse: I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first, will not welcome us. (3 John 1:9) After affirming and encouraging Gaius, John changes the topic. He mentions two men. They are in sharp contrast to each other. The first gives an example to avoid, while the second […]

Bible Study

3 John Bible Study, Day 37: Faithful Service to Missions

Today’s passage: 3 John 1:5–8 Focus verse: Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters. (3 John 1:5) John opens his letter to Gaius by affirming his faithfulness to the truth and his continuing to walk in it (3 John 1:3). Now John likewise affirms Gaius’s faithfulness in his service to […]

Bible Study

3 John Bible Study, Day 36: Walking in the Truth

Today’s passage: 3 John 1:1–4 Focus verse: I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. (3 John 1:4) John’s third letter is to his dear friend Gaius, a man John loves in the truth. Loving in the truth is the same affirmation he writes to the chosen lady in […]