A Journey of Faith on the Streets of America
By Mike Yankoski (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)
College student Mike Yankoski felt a promoting to truly understand what it was like to be homeless—by living among them.
After careful planning Mike, and friend Sam, embarked on a six-month, six-city odyssey that completely changed all their perceptions of what it is to be homeless.
Along the way, they made many new friends (mostly among the homeless), were helped by only a few non-homeless people, and were largely ignored and even vilified by the rest.
With rare exception, the organized church’s response was inadequate at best and adversarial at worst.
Most of us don’t have the option to live among the homeless for six months; plus we would likely lack the courage to do so even if we had the time.
This book may be the next best alternative to increasing our understanding of what it is to be homeless.
If you read it, you will be changed.
[Under the Overpass: A Journey of Faith on the Streets of America, by Mike Yankoski. Published by Multnomah Books, 2005; ISBN: 978-1590524022; 256 pages.]
Read more book reviews by Peter DeHaan.
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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