Reviewed by Peter DeHaan
End of the Spear is the compelling true story of dedicated missionaries needlessly speared to death by the violent tribe they are seeking to help.
This tragically occurs because one of the tribesmen lies about them in order to protect himself from deadly reprisals within his own clan. T
he result is five men are murdered and their families are thrown into disarray. Even so, their wives—with their children—valiantly continue to pursue the visions they once shared with their husbands.
With courage and bravery they make slow but steady inroads by moving in with the native people and then winning their trust, providing medical help, and telling them about Jesus.
Even more gripping is when the son of one of the slain missionaries encounters one of his father’s now-believing murderers. Instead of revenge and anger taking over, love and acceptance prevail.
This movie is well done. It isn’t preachy, but is an inspiring and moving example of what can be done through love and by faith.
(Also, be sure to check out the DVD extras for background and interviews with some of the real people in this story.)
[Read more reviews by Peter DeHaan of other faith-friendly videos and movies.]
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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