Netflix suggested that I would like the movie Bandslam; they were right.
Bandslam centers around a high school battle of the bands, offering credible musical performances in an interesting story line: misfit Will is recruited by popular Charlotte to “manage” her fledgling band.
This is what he is uniquely skilled to do, quickly assembling an eclectic group of musicians to round out the sound and smooth their rough edges. In the process he turns a wannabe rock group into a convincing and competitive act.
The movie stars Alyson Michalka (from the group Aly and AJ) as Charlotte Banks and Vanessa Hudgens (High School Musical) as Sa5m (“the five is silent”) in convincing performances.
Although Sa5m’s connection with Will is expected, Charlotte’s interest in him is perplexing.
Additionally, Lisa Kudrow (Friends) plays Will’s mom in a small, but interesting supporting role; David Bowie makes a cameo appearance.
Notably, all the actors in this movie do their own singing; there is no lip-syncing or dubbing, allowing viewers to enjoy the performances without the typically constant reminder that the performance is staged.
Of significance is the band’s impromptu cover of the 70’s mellow pop ballad “Everything I Own,” turning it into a memorable, upbeat rock/ska performance .
If you like good music, or simply enjoy an interesting plot with compelling characters, check out Bandslam.
As for me, I’ll check out the next movie Netflix recommends.
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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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