Personal Posts

Wanna Wok?

A couple of weeks ago my wife took me out for my birthday. The actual date of the event had long passed, but that’s okay; that’s how we do things.

Precise timing is not important to us, as long as it is eventually celebrated. Sometimes we’re several months late, but if it’s within six, it’s all good.

More than six months means we’re no longer late, but actually early for the next year.

Anyway, she took me to one of my favorite restaurants, bd’s Mongolian Barbeque. In fact, as far as restaurant chains go, it is my favorite. (At this point, it’s regional, so if it’s not in your area, why don’t you open one?)

At bd’s, you create your own recipe: select the items you want, in the quantity you want, and watch their grill masters turn it into a stunning stir-fry delight.

Aside from immensely enjoying a birthday treat, I also had a secondary agenda. You see, for Christmas, I was given a super duper deluxe gourmet wok.

My mission was to take more careful notice of how things were done at bd’s, with the intent of doing my own stir-fry thing at home, in my work.

Well, tonight was the night. Although I fell short of duplicating the total bd experience (highly attentive customer service with a touch of attitude from their grill masters), I did create a meal that delighted my taste buds and filled my stomach with contented bliss.

I should have stopped with the first helping and the second one put me over the top. I am so full but still craving one more delicious bite.

Wait a minute. There are leftovers in the frig. Gotta go!

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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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