Today it was a tad hot in southern Michigan, surpassing the 100-degree mark at my house. (For the record, I have a digital thermometer that is mounted in the shade.)
In these parts, it is not unheard of to hit 100 at some point during the summer; however, those records are typically reached in August or in proximity thereof — not in June.
It was over 100 at noon and again when I checked at 3 PM, thought at 5:00 PM it’s cooled down to more reasonable 96.
On the news this morning, an ozone warning alert was issued for my county. Among other things, I am not supposed to mow lawn.
This has always perplexed me. I could have mowed lawn yesterday; I will likely be permitted to mow lawn tomorrow. But mowing lawn today is bad for the environment.
I’d like to point out, that if I wait and mow lawn tomorrow, it will take longer, thereby causing more ozone damaging pollution.
The other curious thing is that the adjoining county was not part of the alert — and I live a quarter mile away from the county line.
Since there is not likely a marked difference hovering over the county boundary, does that mean that part of the other county should also have limits placed on them?
Perhaps it means that where I live has been needlessly included in a warning intended for the other side of the county. Does 1,320 feet really make a difference if I should mow lawn or not?
Either way, my grass has not stopped growing and needs my attention.
I guess my lawn is unaware of this ozone issue.
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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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