Personal Posts

Springtime Flowers

I’m so excited; my first outdoor flowers are in bloom—primrose.

Seeing my yard’s first flower of the year and with daytime temps finally in the 60s and 70s, I know that spring is actually here—not because the calendar says so, but it actually looks and feels like spring!

However, the primrose shouldn’t be my first flowers, the daffodils should have beaten them, but once again they let me down. 

You can see their anemic stems in the photo below that they are not going to amount to anything this year—again.

At one time, my daffodils were a lush and inviting row of springtime yellow. Then I thinned them because they were getting too crowded, and they’ve never done anything since—except produce wimpy little stems.

In my yard, I’ve been working on ensuring that during the growing season there will always be something blooming. That vision, however, is easier to see than to realize.

First, I found that some things don’t bloom for as long as advertised by the nursery. 

Then, when I was finally getting close to my goal, my growing trees were producing enough extra shade that the light conditions changed sufficiently so that many plantings were no longer in their optimal spots.


This year I will be moving things around in an effort to coax them into producing their rainbows of color. I will keep you posted.

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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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