Personal Posts

Donate Money to Your Favorite Charity Just By Searching Online

Earlier this week, I received an interesting press release. It was about search online to donate money to charity.

Though it’s not my habit to post press releases, this one seems worthwhile:

Supporters Turn To Innovative Ways To Help
Their Favorite Nonprofits This Holiday Season

Charities across the nation are bracing themselves for declining contributions this holiday season and people are looking towards innovative and free ways to help their favorite causes.

There is a solution with a new Yahoo-powered search engine called GoodSearch.com, and on-line shopping mall GoodShop.com, which enable supporters to generate donations just by searching the internet or shopping online.

What makes the system so compelling is that it doesn’t cost the users a thing. It’s philanthropy on a shoestring.

Consumers are helping their favorite causes with every search conducted on GoodSearch.com and shopping at GoodShop.com, where they can choose from more than 700 top online retailers.

I talked with one of the charities listed, and they are receiving donations. It is easy to use, just select your favorite charity and for each search you conduct through GoodSearch, your charity will earn about a penny.

With enough people involved you can funnel money to your charity month after month and it won’t cost you a thing. The same concept applies to Good Shop.

If there’s a cause you support, this is an easy way to direct money to them at no cost to you. Just use GoodSearch to search online to donate.

Do you like this post? Want to read more? Check out Peter’s book, Bridging the Sacred-Secular Divide: Discovering the Spirituality of Every Day Life, available wherever books are sold.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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