Personal Posts

Ruby Red, Not Fire-Engine Red

Fall is a colorful time in Michigan. Even so, the colors in our area of the state do not seem to be as vibrant this fall as most. In my yard, for example, is a “burning bush,” which typically turns a deep fire-engine red in the fall. 

This year the shade is muted, more akin to ruby red. Nonetheless, it is still quite stunning.

Leaves on the Maple trees in my yard, tend to turn orange in the fall, with some yellow and a few red. 

This year, they are decidedly skewed towards the yellow spectrum, with no orange to speak of and nary a hint of red—and not worthy of a picture. 

I don’t have anything against yellow, but it is the orange and red hues that give me pause and strike me with awe amazement.

Most of the leaves are still on the Maple trees, but they will be falling soon enough—and about that time, they will all turn brown, regardless of how they look now.

Brown leaves are my least favorite color—they’re not pretty to look at and they mean work!

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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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