Personal Posts

It Melted!

I mentioned that, from my perspective, the ideal winter was for it to snow on Christmas Eve and melt the day after New Year’s Day. In an uncharacteristically Michigan-winter manner, I got my wish! (At least so far.)

After about 12 inches of snow over New Year’s weekend, the temperatures began to rise, eventually shooting up to historic highs. Yesterday, January 7, topped out at 63 and today was in the high fifties.

This morning my bride witnessed a man driving with his convertible top down.

All the snow has indeed melted. Compare this to the same scene a scant 5 days earlier, on Jan 2.  Notice that there is still a green tint to some of the grass.

It even felt like spring (which is my favorite time of year). I couldn’t let such an unexpected opportunity go to waste, so I spent part of my lunch hour outside doing a bit of raking and picking up fallen branches.

For those who take this unexpected heat-wave as one more confirmation of global warning, do not be so easily convinced, as the temperatures are predicted to plummet tomorrow, with the rain turning to snow towards the weekend.

So the winter weather will soon be back and everything will again be as it should be. Until that happens, I will be thankful for a brief reprieve from winter snow and for the tantalizing glimpse of spring.


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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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