Personal Posts

Memorial Day: In Memory of

This Monday will be Memorial Day in the USA. It is a national holiday set aside in memory of military personnel who died while serving their country.

As such it should be a solemn day of remembrance, attending parades and visiting the graves of loved ones. Memorial Day is also an appropriate reminder to thank all those who have served their country through military service.

Regardless of your opinion on the politics behind the various US involvements in which they serve, commend them for their many acts service.

They put their future and their life on the line for their compatriots.

Additionally are those who return from military service with life-altering injuries, both physical and mental. Too often they are forgotten or marginalized. Remember them too.

Some observe Memorial Day by doing these things. For others, it is a day to relax or have a cookout. However, too many have lost sight of why this holiday exists, seeing it merely as a day off from work (for most people) or a long weekend.

Aside from enjoying the day, one can take in a parade, visit a gravesite, thank a military man or woman, hire a vet, or do whatever they can to show respect or appreciation. 

But whatever you do, remember to remember—today and every day.

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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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