Personal Posts

Humidity Be Gone

During the warmer part of the year, I run a dehumidifier in my basement to remove dampness and maintain it as a comfortable environment.

Being that it is now that time of the year, I went to turn it on last week—and couldn’t find it! 

After scouring all the possible storage areas and double-checking that it wasn’t sitting in plain sight—twice—I remembered that I disposed of it last fall as it ceased to properly dehumidify. 

The plan was that I would have all winter to secure a replacement.  That was a good plan, but alas it had been forgotten.

The replacement unit was on sale for 170 dollars and is now happily purring away as it dutifully lowers the humidity in my subterranean level.

I hope this one lasts a while. The prior unit cost 150 dollars and lasted a mere two seasons, for an effective pro-rated annual cost of 75 dollars.  It was noisy, too, sounding like a jet engine taking off—well almost that loud.

Ironically, that unit was bought to replace an aging workhorse that despite dehumidifying well, had a squealing motor bearing of which I had been unsuccessful in quieting—despite repeated attempts. 

That unit cost 89 dollars and lasted 18 years, before its well-deserved retirement, for an effective annual prorated cost of fewer than 5 dollars.

Although I don’t expect to achieve that degree of longevity with my new unit, I certainly hope it makes it for more than two years. 

It seems that nothing lasts like it used to.

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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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